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What is hemp seed oil?

Hemp seed oils are extracted from hemp – the same plant that cannabidiol (CBD) oil is extracted from, but there is a fundamental difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil – cannabinoid content. Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil do not contain any significant amount of cannabinoids.

Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil have been shown to provide a number of health and nutritional benefits, but it’s important to remember that they don’t contain any significant amount of CBD, THC, or any other cannabinoid. If you’re looking for a CBD-rich hemp extract, look for CBD oils instead.

Hemp seed oil vs. CBD oil

While both are derived from the hemp plant, there are significant differences between CBD oil and hemp seed oil.

Hemp seed oil, like the name implied, is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant only. No actual plant mass is used in the extraction of this oil. Since cannabinoids are mostly found in the plant material like leaves, stems and flowers, hemp seed oil contains little-to-no cannabinoids.

It’s also important not to confuse hemp seeds with cannabis seeds – the latter of which you can use to grow your own marijuana!

CBD oil, on the other hand, is an extraction that’s optimized specifically for CBD. It’s extracted using solvents or C02 from the main plant mass of the hemp plant, resulting in a cannabinoid-rich oil.

While hemp seeds can contain extremely small amounts of cannabinoids, it’s generally not anywhere near enough to cause any perceptible effects. One study found between 0-12 micrograms of THC per gram of hemp seed, meaning you’d need roughly 83g of hemp seeds to get even 1mg of THC.

CBD oil can contain up to 0.3% THC by law, but many formulations contain zero THC at all.

Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Great source of Omega-3s

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Good source of protein

How to use hemp seed oil

Healthy Fats

Hemp seed is a food rich in nutritional fat value and contains a low amount of carbohydrates.

High fiber content

Fiber is a fundamental component of most healthy diets, especially if one wants to lose weight. This is because it helps in the absorption of nutrients and encourages the proper functioning of the digestive system.  It also helps increase feeling ‘full’ and having eaten a satisfying meal, which can reduce cravings.

On average, women need to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day and this figure increases to 38 grams for men. Hemp seed has high fiber content, with about one gram in just 3 tablespoons.

There are soluble and insoluble fibers, both are beneficial for our body. Soluble fibers are responsible for creating a gel-like substance inside the intestine. This gel serves as a source of nutrients for digestive bacteria and can reduce blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, increases the volume of fecal matter, helping ease the passage of food through the intestine. The consumption of insoluble fiber is also associated with a decrease in diabetes.

Source of phytonutrients

These are the compounds that help protect the plant against insects, germs, fungi, etc. and these can be of benefit to our immune, lymphatic, and cellular systems. It may also improve the absorption of nutrients.

In addition, hemp seed contains iron, calcium and vitamins A, C, E, and the B complex that may help prevent diseases such as anemia and cancer.

High mineral content

Hemp seed is a rich source of several key minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Improves Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the biggest health issues in the world. Hemp seed has distinct properties that may help prevent and reduce the risk of heart disease.

When you consume hemp seed, you receive an amino acid called arginine.  This is known to have properties that help in the production of nitric oxide in our body. This oxide helps dilate blood vessels, helping to lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease related to high blood pressure.

Hemp seed benefits for skin

Fatty acids are of course invaluable in maintain our skin’s health.  But these fatty acids in the composition of hemp seed are also very beneficial for those who have skin problems like eczema.

Reducing the symptoms of PMS and menopause

PMS can affect about 80% of women of reproductive age, causing discomfort not only physically, but emotionally.  It is triggered by hormones such as prolactin.

Studies have shown that the benefits of hemp seed oil are related to gamma linolenic acid, found in these hemp seed, when ingested, activates the production of prostaglandin E1, a vasodilator that reduces the effects of prolactin.

Some studies indicate that gamma linolenic acid can reduce breast pain and tenderness, depression, irritability and fluid retention, symptoms associated with PMS.

The effectiveness of this acid is also associated with the improvement of menopausal symptoms. Studies suggest that gamma linolenic acid, contained in hemp seed, may help regulate hormone variations and reduce the inflammation caused by menopause.

Improved sleep quality and reduced stress

Stress can influence the physical and mental well-being of the body, adversely affecting an individual’s general condition. Some of the problems associated with chronic stress are premature aging, insomnia, loss of appetite, overheating and chronic stress can encourage further health problems.

This superfood contains a large proportion of micronutrients that may help to fight the symptoms of stress in people. It may reduce stress by providing the body with essential nutrients that will allow you to stay healthy. Some of these nutrients include calcium, zinc, arginine, glutamine, etc. Hemp seeds also contain magnesium, a nutrient that improves sleep quality.


Hemp seeds can be used to reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is one of the components of hemp seeds that can reduce the severity of inflammation in joints, tissues, and muscles.

This product also has an antioxidant property, which makes it useful in the treatment of muscle cramps and discomfort.

Good reads if you want to know more about CBD Oil:
CBD and Anxiety & Depression
CBD and Diabetes

How to use hemp seed oil

How to use hemp seed oil

You can use hemp seed oil as a salad dressing, or add it to many different kinds of foods. For example, you can mix a tablespoon of hemp seed oil over salads, soups or even ice cream and enjoy all its benefits. You can also soak seeds in milk overnight and enjoy it for breakfast the next morning.

To help with dry skin, eczema, and other skin problems, you can apply it topically at the affected area twice a day.