About American Marijuana

Since it was founded in 2014, AmericanMarijuana.org has become one of the most trusted medical marijuana resources online. The team is spearheaded by Founder & Editor in Chief Dwight K. Blake, who has been working and specializing in the field of mental health for almost 2 decades now. He is met with a team of expert cannabis writers.

Composed of cannabis advocates, cannabis specialists, and experienced cannabis writers, Dwight is determined to provide visitors with informative, transparent, and latest reviews on different CBD products and brands.

Having over 150,000 monthly visitors (and still rising) as of June 2020, the AmericanMarijuana team ensures you’re always given the best and the freshest content round the clock.

Our Promise to You

It has been our goal to ensure that visitors are provided with genuine, accurate, and up-to-date information. Moreover, we aim to innovate and develop a responsive and user-friendly website to make your reading experience easy and fun. So, whatever it is you need with regards to CBD, we deliver them straight away to you. It’s that simple!

Regardless if you’re looking for CBD uses, product reviews, how-to guides, or even legality status, AmericanMarijuana is the right resource for you.

Meet the Team

Everyone at AmericanMarijuana is passionate about cannabis and CBD because we know it can drastically improve the quality of our lives for the better.

Composed of CBD and hemp specialists, you can guarantee that our contents are unbiased, accurate, and medically reviewed and approved by doctors.

Here are the amazing experts who make AmericanMarijuana happen:

Candice Reeves

Dog mom. Eternal optimist. Cannabis expert. You can find Candice on the east coast of Canada, sipping a good cup of coffee with the Atlantic Ocean as her backdrop. With an emphasis on comprehensive research, Candice serves up well-researched and useful cannabis content. When she's not spreading the good vibes of cannabis across the internet, she's dipping her toes into interior design and searching the city for the best margarita.

More from Candice

Abby Hash

Abby Hash is a freelance writer with a focus in cannabis and CBD. As the founder of Cannabis Content, she’s among the country’s top experts when it comes to writing about cannabis. Follow her on social media for cutting-edge cannabis commentary and updates.

More from Abby

Allie Murphy

Allie Murphy is a cannabis expert who loves researching and writing about holistic health, with a focus on cannabinoids. As a California native, she grew up around cannabis culture and has a strong connection to it. Besides her fascination with cannabis (CBD), Allie is an EFT Tapping Practitioner, yoga teacher, and bookworm.

More from Allie

Andrew Cross

Managing and Contributing Editor of AmericanMarijuana. Andrew Cross is a writer, editor, and cannabis expert based in Montreal, Canada. With years of experience in the cannabis and CBD industries, his writing has appeared in a number of blogs and publications, and he has given keynote addresses across several continents. He is also an award-winning playwright.

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Clarisa Strohmeyer

Clarisa Strohmeyer is a former Operations Manager for International Business Times, Australia. She is on a mission to spread the good news about cannabis. When she isn’t writing, she scuba dives and race cars. She smoked her first joint in Amsterdam when the hotel receptionist gave her a welcome joint instead of a welcome drink. You can find more about her cannabis roots at Ganjly.

More from Clarisa

Dwight Blake

Dwight was a Mental Health counselor at Long Island Psychotherapy & Counseling in Westbury, New York for more than 15 years. He believes that CBD is the prime solution to this mental illness and more-- with proper research, medical acknowledgment, and application. Through his work at AmericanMarijuana, together with the rest of the team, he wishes to provide everyone with genuine results and high-quality product reviews for everyone to enjoy for free.

More from Dwight

Leah Zitter


Dr. Leah Zitter, PhD, is a journalist, research scientist, writer, and behavioural neuroscientist based in Richmond, Virginia. She has worked with Yale University, Microsoft, and Google, among many others.

More from Dr. Leah

Abraham Benavides


Dr. Benavides is an alum and full-tuition merit scholar of the George Washington University School of Medicine, where he founded the Cannabis as Medicine Interest Group. CANMIG is the first educational cannabis student interest group for physicians-in-training at a U.S. medical school. He is an incoming resident Family Physician in Seattle, WA. Abraham enjoys cooking new recipes, playing Nintendo games, and hiking the great outdoors with his adventurous pug.

More from Dr. Abraham

Omer Rashid

Dr. Omer Rashid is a medical doctor and researcher with a specialization in cannabis, CBD, the endocannabinoid system and cannabis wellness.

More from Dr. Omer

George Mouratidis

George Mouratidis is a content specialist. He has a Master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology but works full time as a marketing consultant for travel and cannabis brands. Through his studies, he had the chance to examine how cannabis helps people come together and form social bonds.

More from George

Gleb Oleinik

Gleb Oleinik is a freelance writer from Vancouver, Canada with a passion for educating people about CBD and cannabis. He’s read thousands of studies about cannabinoids and other beneficial natural compounds, helping him translate complex science into plain language. He’s also written third-party lab test reports of CBD products and knows the industry inside and out. When he’s not writing, Gleb likes to spend his time in the gym and out in nature.

More from Gleb

Jerry Golick

Jerry Golick is a Montreal-based medical cannabis activist and writer. He has been promoting the legal use of cannabis for over 30 years. He is motivated by a core belief in righting the injustices the cannabis prohibition has caused. He has lectured on the topic to diverse groups, as well as assisted physicians in developing educational programs on the subject. His articles have previously appeared on Cannabis Digest, Lift, Cashinbis, and other online websites.

More from Jerry

Kelly LaRoche

Kelly LaRoche is a writer, researcher, and cannabis enthusiast based in Ontario, Canada. Look to her well-researched articles for objective, accurate and informative cannabis and CBD information. With a background in music, she's also interested in the intersection of cannabis and the arts.

More from Kelly

Laura Oakley

Laura Oakley is a freelance writer and digital content creator based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She has been using Canadian-produced CBD products since 2018 to alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as stay focused at work. Laura has a journalism degree and a background in tourism, hospitality and travel. She is a senior feature writer for Curated food and drink magazine in Halifax.

More from Laura

Matthew MacDougall

While entertaining crowds across the continent for 20 years as hip-hop artist Fatt Matt, you may also recognize Matthew from his appearance in the celebrated Oprah Winfrey Network Canada reality series Gastown Gamble. Spending his adult years in Vancouver, BC, building his education and climbing ladders in social enterprise & executive management – Matthew witnessed cannabis culture in full display. A lifelong connoisseur himself, Matthew continues to remain impressed with new technology and innovations in both cannabis production, product development, and consumption.

More from Matthew

Mike Maloney

Mike Maloney is a writer, story-teller and cannabis aficionado from Canada's beautiful East Coast. When he's not crafting copy, he can be found whipping up crazy creations in the kitchen and making memories with his son and five daughters.

More from Mike

Olivia Walters

Olivia is a journalist in Portland, OR. She's originally from South Carolina but left the South to become fluent in French, travel, and work in more than one language. Forever caught between two cultures, cannabis helps Olivia find the words. Olivia writes for cannabis publications and clients so she can bewitch the world with feminist and educational messages. For Olivia, cannabis is a path to deeper, more proactive discussions about health, culture, and femininity.

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Olivia Fisher

Olivia Fisher is a writer, researcher and poet based in Vancouver, Canada. With years of experience as a cannabis and CBD advocate, expect hard-hitting and well-researched cannabis information from her work.

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Rachel Gilmour

Rachel Gilmour is a professional cannabis writer from Canada. She holds a degree in creative writing from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. She's dedicated to sharing her cannabis expertise with the masses through her writing. When she's not writing, Rachel can be found working on her music career or petting, talking about, or thinking about cats.

More from Rachel

Ryan Allan

Based out of Barcelona, Spain, Ryan Allan is a versatile British writer and editor with many years of experience in the cannabis and CBD industry. A passionate advocate of both medical and recreational cannabis, Ryan believes in a future of unfettered and legal access to the marijuana plant and hopes that with the continued breaking down of stigma and misinformation, cannabis will finally earn the respect and admiration it so richly deserves.

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Sonja Soderlund

Sonja Soderlund is a freelance writer who covers the cannabis and CBD industries. A former teacher, she has spent the last few years encouraging readers to choose organically sourced CBD and read third party lab reports. She lives in Oregon with her family, two apple trees, and a very mediocre vegetable garden.

More from Sonja

Dr. Thaísa Sandini


Dr. Thaisa Sandini is a pharmacist and obtained her Doctorate and Ph.d degrees in Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. She also collaborated on cannabis research projects at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. Dr. Sandini has been working with neuroscience and preclinical studies since her master’s degree.

More from Dr. Thaísa

Zach Harris

Zach Harris is an accomplished cannabis writer based in Philadelphia. His work has appeared on Vice, Complex, Merry Jane, High Times and more.

More from Zach

Zackariah Turner

Zackariah is a young professional working in the cannabis industry. With countless successful grows under his belt, he is passionate about educating cannabis consumers about growing their own cannabis, as well as advocating for the rights of home growers. He’s worked with a number of licensed cannabis producers in Canada, dedicated to helping shape the future of the cannabis industry.

More from Zackariah

Zack Ruskin

Zack Ruskin is a freelance reporter living in San Francisco. His bylines include Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Leafly, San Francisco Chronicle, Variety, Billboard, Cannabis Now, and California Leaf.

More from Zack

Editorial Process

At American Marijuana, our number one goal is to provide you with trustworthy, comprehensible, and fact-based information concerning cannabis and its respected cannabinoids, such as CBD. In order to do this, we ensure each piece of content on this website undergoes a strict editorial process.

Simply put, our editorial process can be broken down into 7 sections:

  1. Information sourcing
  2. Focus on research
  3. Fact checking
  4. Medical reviews
  5. Originality
  6. Our brand’s standards
  7. Content monitoring and updating

If you’d like to learn more detail about this break down, we invite you to check out our editorial process page.

Content Integrity

In order to provide you with the premium knowledge surrounding cannabis, we made our medical and editorial content a top priority.

It all starts with the voice of American Marijuana. We make an effort to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive space for our readers by promoting inclusive teams at every level.

From there, we partner with brands that not only offer the best products this industry has to offer, but also an ethics we can align with. Being that said, we understand there are a number of low-quality cannabis and CBD products hitting store shelves. At American Marijuana, we ensure all products advertised through us only meet our integrity.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our content integrity page.

Our Policies

Earning Disclaimer

The quality content and unbiased reviews of products we include here are made possible by advertisements and affiliate links on our site. And we take this very seriously here. We don’t just recommend products just for the money. Instead, the products we feature are only those that we trust and test ourselves.

By purchasing through our affiliate links, we make a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions are what support everyone and what puts everything together from hosting, domain, to SSL certificates – it’s what ensures our customer’s information is safe and secure.

If you want to learn more about this in detail, check our earnings disclaimer, which can also be found at the bottom of the page. And be sure to read our medical disclaimer too!

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is just as important to us as it is to you! For this reason, we’ve laid out everything you need to know about information we collect, share, and your rights through our privacy policy page.

Terms & Conditions

By using americanmarijuana.org, you’re agreeing to our Terms & Conditions which have been laid out on our page here.

Contact Us

It is always our pleasure to serve you! For further inquiries and business related matters, please get in touch by visiting our contact page.