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Why make your own CBD oil?

Wondering why you should bother with making CBD oil yourself when there’s already a plethora of products being sold on the market? A major benefit is that you can concoct your very own, personalised CBD oil recipe that suits your needs.

From choosing what kind of oil or alcohol base you use, to knowing exactly what kind of cannabis is in the product, making your own CBD oil gives you the peace of mind of knowing exactly what’s in the bottle. Moreover, making it yourself means you can personalise it to your tastes and needs, from using the strain you prefer to being able to adjust the recipe and knowing how to make CBD oil stronger or weaker.

Since dosage is different for everyone it’s helpful to be able to produce the volume of CBD oil that best suits your needs. Lastly, making your own CBD oil with ingredients you personally sourced means you avoid consuming the additives and refined oils that some commercial CBD oil suppliers add to their products.

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s learn how to make CBD oil.

Different ways of making CBD oil

Learning how to make CBD oil is not rocket science, we promise. There are a couple popular methods to choose from, and with some research you can learn everything from how to make CBD oil with coconut oil to how to make CBD oil from isolate.

Let’s start with the basics, here’s what you’ll need:

Since CBD oil does not contain THC, it is not psychoactive and won’t leave you with a high. Before understanding the process of making CBD oil, you can get here to understand the key benefits of using CBD oil.

Equipment / Supplies

  • High-quality hemp or cannabis flowers
  • Oil or alcohol
  • Infuser / decarboxylator
  • Baking sheets, pot, cheesecloth, coffee filter, thermometer (if not using a decarboxylator or infuser)

There are two key steps for all methods: decarboxylation and infusion. Decarboxylation sounds scientific and complex, but it is simply the process of heating dried cannabis/hemp buds in order to activate the compounds within. Heat is needed to activate these compounds in order to enjoy their effects (this is why smoking is a popular method of consuming CBD). Infusion is the process of releasing the now activated compounds into a carrier oil or alcohol.

In order to activate CBD with precision (recommended so that you get the most out of your CBD oil or tincture), you should use a decarboxylator. Decarboxylators maintain precise temperatures so that you can ensure complete activation of the compounds.

There are many affordable decarboxylators on the market; we recommend the MB2e MagicalButter Machine (coupon code right here)  or Levo II for high quality, precision, and features such as a smartphone app, temperature control, excellent customer service, and potency control. Most decarboxylators also have an infusion cycle.

If cost is a concern, then a more affordable option like the MagicalButter DecarBox is an excellent choice. Remember that purchasing a decarboxylator may cost a pretty penny upfront, but it is an investment that will continue to pay off the longer you use it. If you want to try making CBD oil without any equipment, you can also bake the hemp or cannabis on a baking sheet at 280° F / 138° C for approximately one hour in order to activate it.

MagicalButter and Levo II decarboxylator machines

If you want to make a CBD oil that has little to no THC in it, then hemp flowers are an excellent option for you as they contain either zero or trace amounts of THC. They are also a great choice if you are looking for a way to make cbd oil stronger, as they produce a more potent product. If you are not concerned about small amounts of THC, then you can use CBD-dominant cannabis. With this option you can also enjoy the so-called “entourage effect”: the theory that cannabinoids are most effective when taken together.

Oil Method

It’s easy to see why making CBD oil is an excellent choice. Cannabidiol (CBD) bonds well with oil, and CBD oil has a high bioavailability, making it a popular choice. You can use common oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, ghee, and even butter. Note that the oil you choose will have an effect on the taste and texture of the final product. For a neutral, tasteless oil, use MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride). Let’s learn how to make CBD oil!

  • Activation:
    • If using a decarboxylator, follow the manual instructions in order to activate 5g of the hemp/cannabis.
    • If using household items, bake 5g of the hemp or cannabis on a baking sheet at 280° F / 138° C for approx. one hour in order to activate it.
  • Infusion:
    • If using a decarboxylator, pour in ¾ cup of your oil of choice and start the infusion cycle.
    • If using household items, transfer the baked hemp/cannabis to a pot, add ¾ cup oil, and let it infuse on low heat for 2 hours. Do not let the mixture exceed 200° F / 93° C as excess heat will kill certain cannabinoid compounds.
  • Let the mixture cool and then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Store in a glass container with an airtight seal for up to one year.

Wondering how to make CBD oil from isolate? You can also make CBD oil by dissolving CBD isolate in the oil of your choice, and then storing in a cool, dark place. As suggested by its name, CBD Isolate is made when CBD is isolated from the cannabis plant’s other compounds.

Manufacturers undertake multiple processes in order to produce CBD Isolate, which is ground into a slightly sticky powder. CBD Isolate is pretty much guaranteed to contain pure (99%) CBD. You can purchase CBD isolate online, or at your local dispensary.

Alcohol Method

Similar to CBD oil, CBD tinctures are made with the decarboxylation and infusion method. Cannabis/CBD tinctures are alcohol-based, but consumed in the same way as CBD oil. For dosage, start low and go slow is common wisdom. For making tinctures, it is essential to choose a food-grade, high-proof, alcohol such as Everclear. Double check that the alcohol is safe for consumption. Higher alcohol content will help dissolve the cannabis resin/CBD isolate.

  • Activation:
    • Same as with the CBD oil method above, activate 1 oz of the hemp/cannabis using either a decarboxylator or the baking method, or simply begin with purchased CBD isolate.
  • Infusion:
    • Mix the flowers or isolate in a glass jar with 750 ml high-proof alcohol and seal well.
    • Shake the jar once a day and store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks.
  • Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, coffee filter, or a sieve. Store in a glass container with an airtight seal for up to one year.

Pros and cons of making vs. buying CBD oil

Now that we know everything from how to make CBD oil with coconut oil to how to make our very own CBD tincture, let’s compare the pros and cons of purchasing vs. making our CBD products.

The pros of making your own CBD oil are many, regardless of how often you use CBD oil and how new to it you are. Firstly, making your own CBD oil ensures that you know exactly what is going into the product. Hemp and cannabis are organic products (thank you, Mother Nature), so if you choose organic oils then you can guarantee an all-natural product. Moreover, you know there aren’t any hidden additives being put into your product.

Once you get the hang of making CBD oil, you can adjust the parameters to your liking in order to create the perfect CBD oil recipe for your needs. You can invest in equipment like decarboxylators and infusers if you know you’ll be whipping up batches of CBD oil on the regular, but if you want to keep it simple you can use household items.

You can also start by making a very small batch of CBD oil if you’re unsure about committing–that way you don’t have to invest a ton of money upfront. Making a CBD tincture is also an economical way to enjoy CBD, and as with CBD oil you know exactly what you’re consuming since you chose the ingredients.

On the flip side, making your own CBD oil can be hard to perfect. The compounds in hemp and cannabis are sensitive to heat, so if you aren’t careful you may accidentally overheat the buds during the decarboxylation process and render them useless. It can be expensive to buy large quantities of oil, cannabis/hemp, and to invest in decarboxylators and infusers, so if you only use CBD oil occasionally, it is likely more economical for you to simply purchase CBD oil or tincture.