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Recreational Marijuana Statistics Overview in the US

Annual Growth Rate of Legal Cannabis in the US, 2015 to 2020, Based on State

Number of Marijuana Stores and Businesses in the United States in 2017

Sum of Startup Expenses for Medical and Casual Cannabis Retailers in the United States as of 2017

Retail and Cultivation Investments in the Legal Marijuana Business in the USA, 2015-2017 (in million USD)

Potential Average Projected US Jobs Due to Cannabis Businesses by 2020

Average price per ounce of Top Quality Cannabis as of Nov 2018 by US State (in USD)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Colorado, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Oregon, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)

Marijuana Consumption in North America from 2017 - 2022 (in billion USD)

Total Sales of Legal Cannabis in the USA, 2016 - 2025 (in billion USD)

Average Number of Marijuana Consumers in the US for the Past Month from 2009 to 2017 (in 1000 USD)

Current and Predicted Market Value of Legal Marijuana in the USA from 2016 t0 2025 (in billion USD)

Production Volume of Consumable Marijuana in Washington, January 2016 - July 2017

Distribution of Patents Related to Cannabis Since 1976 in the US (in categories)

Marketing Size of Legal and Illegal Marijuana Based on State, USA, 2018 (million USD)

Tax Revenue from Medical and Adult Usage of Cannabis in the US, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)

Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales in the US

Retail Sales of Marijuana for Relaxation Purposes in the US, 2014 - 2021 (in billion USD)

Marijuana Distribution Across The US Market in 2016, by Category

Total Sales of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Colorado, 2014 to 2017 (in million USD)

Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Colorado, Jan 2016 - Dec 2017 (in million USD)

Sales Volume of Marijuana-infused Edibles Consumed by Adults in Colorado, 2017, by Month (in Units)

Sales Volume of Adult Cannnabis Flower in Colorado, 2017 by Month (in lbs)

Overall Value of Sold Marijuana in Washington from 2015 up to 2018 (in million USD)

Monthly Sales Share of Marijuana Category Sales in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)

Product and Brand Total Sharer of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016

Monthly Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)

Excise Tax Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, 2015 to 2018 (in million USD)

Expected Number of Potential Buyers of Marijuana Versus Other Substances in the USA, 2016 (in Billion USD)

Legal Marijuana Sales in USA, 2018, based on State (in billion USD)

Forecast of Average Cannabis Prices in Alaska, 2018 (dollar per gram)

Market Value of Adults Using Cannabis in USA, 2020, based on Leading State (million USD)

Edible Marijuana Market Share in USA, 2018, Sorted By Type

Legal State Retail Forecast

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in California, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Colorado, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Maine, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Nevada, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Washington, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Vermont, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Alaska, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Recreational Marijuana Consumer Behavior in the U.S

US Population Who Has Tried Marijuana in Their Lives, 2009 to 2017 (in 1000s)

Most Frequent Reasons for Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Most Common Ways of Marijuana Consumption Among US Adults, Jan 2017

Distributors of Marijuana Among Users in the USA, Jan 2017

Assumed Factors and Side Effects of Cannabis Versus Other Drugs, Based on US Adults, Jan 2017

Number of Consumers That Highly Agree That They'll Have Lesser Alcohol Intake If Marijuana Became Legal in the USA, 2018

Sectors of Confiscated Marijuana Thanks to the US Border Patrol, 2018

Number of Consumers in the US that Currently Smoke Weed, Based on Gender, July 2017

Number of Consumers in the US that Tried Out Weed, Based on Age Group, July 2017

Thoughts of Registered Voters in the USA About Supporting Weed Laws If No Penalties Were Involved for Possession/Consumption, 2019, by Age Group

Percentage of US Adults that Think Smoking Weed at Least Once a Month is Bad, 2016 to 2017

Share of Users That Smoke Cannabis in the US, July 2017, Household Income

Monthly Rounded Number of Cultivated Marijuana in Colorado, 2017

Total Household Income Share of US People That Tried Out Marijuana, July 2017

Number of Consumers in the US That Think Marijuana is Deadlier than Alcohol, April 2017

Number of Consumers in the US That Experienced Prohibition Enforcements Due to Marijuana Possession, Jan 2017

Level of agreement With Particular Statements About Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Levels of Comfort for Adults that Run a Marijuana Business, Jan 2017

Percentage of US Adults that Agree with Particular Statements About Their Opinions Towards Marijuana, 2017

Rate of Cannabis Usage Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Marijuana Legalization Statistics in the U.S

Opinions Towards Legalizing Marijuana to the Public, US, Jan 2017

Political Affiliation Regarding Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 2000 - 2018

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 1969 - 2018

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana Based on Age, 2000 - 2018

Age Group of Consumers That Support Legal Marijuana in the US, April 2017

Impact on Residents in the US About Legal Marijuana, Jan 2017

Impact on Adults in the US About Legal Marijuana, Jan 2017

Regional Annual Comparison Regarding Level of Concerns About Legal Marijuana, 2009/2010 vs 2017/2018

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Region

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Age Group

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on affiliation

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Marijuana on the U.S Teenagers

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana At Least Once For the Past 30 Days in 2017, According to Location and Ethnicity

30-Day Frequency of Grades 8, 10 an 12 Students That Have Used Marijuana, 1991 to 2018

Lifetime Frequency of Grades 8, 10 an 12 Students That Have Used Marijuana, 1991 to 2018

Percentage of US High School Students That Have Used Marijuana, According to Gender and Sexual Preference

Percentage of US High School Students Who Used Marijuana, 2017, Based on Gender and Ethnicity

Percentage of College Students That Have Consumed Marijuana Within the Past 30 Days, Fall 2018

Yearly Frequency of Marijuana Usage Among Grades 8, 10 and 12 Students, 1991 to 2018

Perception of 12th Graders Regarding the Availability of Marijuana, US, 1975 - 2018

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana, According to Frequency Every Month and Gender

Cannabis Industry

Benefits Given to Cannabis Industry Workers, US, 2017

Top Reasons Why Employees Joined the Marijuana Business in the USA, 2017

Number of Employees Arrested Due to Cannabis, USA, 2017

Responsibility of Cannabis-Based Companies, USA, 2017

Have You Invested in Cannabis-Related Businesses Whether They Touch the Plant or Not?

Number of Cannabis-Based Workers that Have Consumed Cannabis, US, 2017

Perceived Factors that Stop The Cannabis Industry to Achieve a More Diverse Laborforce in the US, 2017

Prevalence of Marijuana Consumption Among the Marijuana-Based Employees, USA, 2017

Average Weekly Work Hours in the Marijuana Business, USA, 2017

Perceived Problems of Working in a Marijuana Business, 2017

Are You Personally Working for Any of the Following Cannabis Businesses?

Tax Revenue from Cannabis Versus Total State Sales Taxes, USA, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)

Total Capital raises of Legal Cannabis in USA, 2015 to 1st Qtr 2017, based on Type

Capital Raised Via Legal Cannabis in the US, 2015 to 1st Qtr 2017, according to Type

Leading Marijuana Startups in the World, 2018 Based on Capital Volume

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Confections in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Snacks and Junk Food in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status

Investment in the Legal Weed Industry, USA, 2017, Based on Sector (in million USD)


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Recreational Marijuana Statistics Overview in the US

Recreational Marijuana Statistics Overview in the US
Marketing Size and Legal and Ilegal Marijuana
California rules from both legal and illegal marijuana amassing to a total of 5.6 billion USD.
Tax Revenue from medical and adult usage of Cannabis
Based on current standings, tax revenue from marijuana will increase by 1.19 billion USD from 2017 to 2020.

Number of Marijuana Stores and Businesses in the United States in 2017

Number of Marijuana Stores and Businesses in the United States in 2017
  • As of 2017, Ancillary & products companies make up for the number of cannabis stores in the USA with a minimum of 13,000 businesses and a maximum of 18,000 businesses. (Marijuana Business Daily, 2017)
  • Overall, around 28,000 marijuana businesses exist in the USA in 2017. (Marijuana Business Daily, 2017)

Sum of Startup Expenses for Medical and Casual Cannabis Retailers in the United States as of 2017

Sum of Startup Expenses for Medical and Casual Cannabis Retailers in the United States as of 2017
  • Summary shows that Real Estate & Renovations make up 40% for growing in-house cannabis and starting up retailers to sell cannabis (Marijuana Business Daily, 2017)
  • Real Estate & Innovations also make up 27% of startup expenses by a standalone retailer (Marijuana Business Daily, 2017)

Potential Average Projected US Jobs Due to Cannabis Businesses by 2020

Potential Average Projected US Jobs Due to Cannabis Businesses by 2020
  • Thanks to the legalization of marijuana, there will be approximately 283,422 new jobs available by 2020. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • There will be over 198,195 direct employment in 2020 thanks to the legalization of marijuana. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Average price per ounce of Top Quality Cannabis as of Nov 2018 by US State (in USD)

Average price per ounce of Top Quality Cannabis as of Nov 2018 by US State (in USD)
  • The average price of weed is significantly more expensive in DC ($600.7/oz) versus other states (ranging from $210.6 to $354/oz) (Price of Weed, 2018)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Colorado, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Colorado, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)
  • Denver makes the highest quality marijuana in all of Colorado, priced at $500/oz (Price of Weed, 2018)
  • Denver’s high quality marijuana price lowered last October 11, priced at $250/oz (Price of Weed, 2018)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Oregon, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)

Average price per ounce of Cannabis in Oregon, 2018, by City and Quality (in USD)
  • While it only makes medium quality hemp, Portland has the price of $800/oz in 2018 (Price of Weed, 2018)
  • Portland’s medium quality marijuana was priced at $286/oz in Oct 16, 2018. (Price of Weed, 2018)

Marijuana Consumption in North America from 2017 - 2022 (in billion USD)

Marijuana Consumption in North America from 2017 - 2022 (in billion USD)
  • Based on the previous years of 2017 and 2018, marijuana consumption will constantly increase by at least 1.2 billion USD on the following years up to 2025 (BDS Analytics; ArcView, 2019)
  • Total sales of cannabis consumption in 2017 was 1 billion USD (BDS Analytics; ArcView, 2019)

Average Number of Marijuana Consumers in the US for the Past Month from 2009 to 2017 (in 1000 USD)

Average Number of Marijuana Consumers in the US for the Past Month from 2009 to 2017 (in 1000 USD)
  • 2017 saw the rise in weed consumption popularity with over 25,997 users in just the past month (SAMHSA; RTI International, 2017)
  • 2014 and 2015 had minimal gap since this was the awkward time when marijuana was both legal and illegal depending on the state (SAMHSA; RTI International, 2017)
  • Marijuana consumers significantly increased in 2016 with over 23,981 (SAMHSA; RTI International, 2017)

Production Volume of Consumable Marijuana in Washington, January 2016 - July 2017

Production Volume of Consumable Marijuana in Washington, January 2016 - July 2017
  • While 2016 in Washington was off to a great start and constantly increasing its production of legal marijuana, it immediately crashed after it peaked at 22,011.57 pounds in March and down to 8,438.58 pounds in May (WSLCB, 2017)
  • Production volume of consumable marijuana in Washington in August 2016 increased significantly from 15,088 pounds to 19,441 pounds (WSLCB, 2017)

Tax Revenue from Medical and Adult Usage of Cannabis in the US, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)

Tax Revenue from Medical and Adult Usage of Cannabis in the US, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)
  • Based on current standings, tax revenue from marijuana will increase by 1.19 billion USD from 2017 to 2020. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • State sale taxes of cannabis in 2017 only made 140,000 USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)
Marijuana Stats
Sales Revenue of Marijuanan in Colorado

Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales in the US

Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales in the US
Sales revenue of marijuana in Colorado peaked on August 2017 with 101.55 million USD
Monthly Sales Revenue of Marijuana In Washington
June 2017 had the most monthly sales revenue of marijuana in Washington with over 125.65 million USD, slightly over March 2017 that had 124.81 million USD.

Retail Sales of Marijuana for Relaxation Purposes in the US, 2014 - 2021 (in billion USD)

Retail Sales of Marijuana for Relaxation Purposes in the US, 2014 - 2021 (in billion USD)
  • Based on the sales from 2014 to 2016, overal retail sales can reach up to 8.7 billion USD in 2021. (Marijuana Business Daily, 2016)
  • Retail sales of marijuana for relaxation purposes in 2014 yielded 400 million USD (Marijuana Business Daily, 2016)

Marijuana Distribution Across The US Market in 2016, by Category

Marijuana Distribution Across The US Market in 2016, by Category
  • Flower/plant-type marijuana is responsible for 54.21% of cannabis distribution in the American market. (New Frontier Data; Various sources (GreenRush), 2016)
  • Marijuana-flavored vape alot 7.50% of the distribution in the US market. (New Frontier Data; Various sources (GreenRush), 2016)

Total Sales of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Colorado, 2014 to 2017 (in million USD)

Total Sales of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Colorado, 2014 to 2017 (in million USD)
  • Total sales of both casual and medical weed in Colorado made the most in 2017 with over 151 million USD (The Cannabist; Colorado Department of Revenue; Denver Post, 2017)
  • In 2017, recreational marijuana made 1.09 million USD while medical cannabis made 416.52 million USD (The Cannabist; Colorado Department of Revenue; Denver Post, 2017)

Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Colorado, Jan 2016 - Dec 2017 (in million USD)

Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Colorado, Jan 2016 - Dec 2017 (in million USD)
  • Sales revenue of marijuana in Colorado peaked on August 2017 with 101.55 million USD (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)
  • Sale revenue marijuana in Colorado decreased in the following months, hitting as low as $87.69M in November 2017 until it bounced back in December 2017 with $96.35M (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)

Sales Volume of Marijuana-infused Edibles Consumed by Adults in Colorado, 2017, by Month (in Units)

Sales Volume of Marijuana-infused Edibles Consumed by Adults in Colorado, 2017, by Month (in Units)
  • Volume sales of marijuana-infused edibles peaked in July 2017 with over 918,464 consumed weed-infused goods. (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)
  • Sales of marijuana-infused edibles tanked to just 707,064 in November 2017 but got back in December 2017 with over 857,260 consumed weed-infused goods. (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)

Sales Volume of Adult Cannnabis Flower in Colorado, 2017 by Month (in lbs)

Sales Volume of Adult Cannnabis Flower in Colorado, 2017 by Month (in lbs)
  • September 2017 (21,847 pounds) had the biggest sales volume of adult cannabis flower by only a slight margin against December 2017 (21,562 pounds) (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)
  • November 2017 was the third lowest sales volume of adult cannabis flower, making only 20,015 pounds (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)

Overall Value of Sold Marijuana in Washington from 2015 up to 2018 (in million USD)

Overall Value of Sold Marijuana in Washington from 2015 up to 2018 (in million USD)
  • Value of sold marijuana in Washington was highest in 2017, sold at 1.32 billion USD (WSLCB, 2018)
  • Value of sold marijuana in Washington in 2018 was the 2nd lowest in the chart with an overall value of 534.06 million USD (WSLCB, 2018)

Monthly Sales Share of Marijuana Category Sales in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)

Monthly Sales Share of Marijuana Category Sales in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)
  • In Washington 2017, flower-type marijuana had the biggest monthly shares with over 60.9% (Headset, 2016)
  • While monthly sales share decreased for the flower-type, vape, pre-rolled cannabis, edible weed and concentrates as months went by until May 2017, Washington. (Headset, 2016)

Product and Brand Total Sharer of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016

Product and Brand Total Sharer of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016
  • At 91.4%, marijuana capsules were the top sharers for existing brands and products of May 2016 in Washington. (Headset, 2016)
  • On the other hand, concentrates allot the most shares with 61.8% when it came to the existing brands and new products in Washington (Headset, 2016)

Monthly Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)

Monthly Sales Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, May 2016 - July 2017 (in million USD)
  • June 2017 had the most monthly sales revenue of marijuana in Washington with over 125.65 million USD, slightly over March 2017 that had 124.81 million USD. (WSLCB, 2017)
  • May 2016 had the lowest monthly sales of revenue of marijuana in Washington with 80.6 million USD. (WSLCB, 2017)

Excise Tax Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, 2015 to 2018 (in million USD)

Excise Tax Revenue of Marijuana in Washington, 2015 to 2018 (in million USD)
  • 2017 ruled with 314.84 million USD in excise tax revenue of Marijuana in the state of Washington. (WSLCB, 2018)
  • 2015 had the lowest excise tax revenue of marijuana in Washington with 64.88 million USD (WSLCB, 2018)

Expected Number of Potential Buyers of Marijuana Versus Other Substances in the USA, 2016 (in Billion USD)

Expected Number of Potential Buyers of Marijuana Versus Other Substances in the USA, 2016 (in Billion USD)
  • Expected number of potential customers of marijuana is short-handed with 100 billion USD versus painkillers, ruling the chart at 300 billion USD. (Ackrell Capital, 2016)
  • Compared to alcohol, potential buyers of marijuana was 200 billion USD (Ackrell Capital, 2016)

Forecast of Average Cannabis Prices in Alaska, 2018 (dollar per gram)

Forecast of Average Cannabis Prices in Alaska, 2018 (dollar per gram)
  • From 2016 to 2020, 2016 had the highest price for cannabis in Alaska, costing $14/g (Marijuana Policy Group, 2014)
  • By 2020, forecasted average cannabis price in Alaska will be $9/g. (Marijuana Policy Group, 2014)

Market Value of Adults Using Cannabis in USA, 2020, based on Leading State (million USD)

Market Value of Adults Using Cannabis in USA, 2020, based on Leading State (million USD)
  • As the leading state, the market value of adult consumption of marijuana in California will be worth 3.1 million USD in 2020. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • By 2020, DC will only make 34 million USD in market value of adults using cannabis. (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Edible Marijuana Market Share in USA, 2018, Sorted By Type

Edible Marijuana Market Share in USA, 2018, Sorted By Type
  • Candy made up 44% of the edible marijuana market share in 2018, followed by tinctures with 17%. (BDS Analytics, 2019)
  • Tinctures followed up as second in edible marijuana market share in the US for 2018 with 17%. (BDS Analytics, 2019)
AMMA Stats

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in California, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in California, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in California will be at its highest in 2025 worth 6.59 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in California made the least in 2016 with 2.7 million USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Colorado, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Colorado, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Colorado will be at its highest in 2025 worth 1.94 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Colorado made the least in 2016 with $1.3M (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Maine, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Maine, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Maine will be at its highest in 2025 worth 432 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Maine made the least in 2016 with $56M (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Nevada, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Nevada, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Nevada will be at its highest in 2025 worth 814 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Nevada made the least in 2016 with 5.3 million USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Washington, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Washington, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Washington will be at its highest in 2025 worth 1.76 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Washington made the least in 2016 with 760,000 USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Vermont, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Vermont, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Vermont will be at its highest in 2025 worth 53 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Vermont made the least in 2016 with 10.2 million USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Alaska, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)

Estimate of Cannabis Sales Value in Alaska, 2016 - 2025 (in Million USD)
  • On forecast, the overall sales value of cannabis in Alaska will be at its highest in 2025 worth 138 million USD. (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • The overall cannabis sales value in Alaska made the least in 2016 with 3.4 million USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Recreational Marijuana Consumer Behavior in the U.S

AMMA Stats
Rate of cannabis usage among adults in the us jan 2017
Adults that either used cannabis weekly or less than once a year are tied at 11%.
517-number-of-consumers-in-the-us-that-experienced-prohibition-enforcements-due-to-marijuana-possession jan 2017
Over 22% of people say that they know someone who was arrested for possession of marijuana.

US Population Who Has Tried Marijuana in Their Lives, 2009 to 2017 (in 1000s)

US Population Who Has Tried Marijuana in Their Lives, 2009 to 2017 (in 1000s)
  • Over 122.943 million people in the US have tried marijuana in 2017. (SAMHSA; RTI International, 2017)
  • 2015 was only slightly higher than 2014 with 117.865 million over 117.213 million respectively. (SAMHSA; RTI International, 2017)

Most Frequent Reasons for Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Most Frequent Reasons for Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017
  • 55% of adults in the U.S use marijuana to relax. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Tied at 40%, adults in the U.S use marijuana to relieve stress or enjoy social experiences. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Most Common Ways of Marijuana Consumption Among US Adults, Jan 2017

Most Common Ways of Marijuana Consumption Among US Adults, Jan 2017
  • At 74%, flower-type marijuana is the most commonly consumed way of marijuana among US adults in Jan 2017 (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Edibles marijuana such as chocolates and candies are at a second with 44%. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Distributors of Marijuana Among Users in the USA, Jan 2017

Distributors of Marijuana Among Users in the USA, Jan 2017
  • Recreational facilities make up 60% of marijuana distribution among US users. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 33% of marijuana distribution in the U.S is due to friends. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Assumed Factors and Side Effects of Cannabis Versus Other Drugs, Based on US Adults, Jan 2017

Assumed Factors and Side Effects of Cannabis Versus Other Drugs, Based on US Adults, Jan 2017
  • 72% of adults in the U.S say marijuana has less dangerous side effects and factors versus both methamphetamine and heroin. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Around 28% of US adults say marijuana is more dangerous than cigarettes. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Sectors of Confiscated Marijuana Thanks to the US Border Patrol, 2018

Sectors of Confiscated Marijuana Thanks to the US Border Patrol, 2018
  • In 2018, the Border Patrol of Rio Grandey Valley (SW Border) seized 204, 323 pounds worth of marijuana. (US Customs and Border Protection, 2018)
  • In the same year, the Border Patrol in all sectors have confiscated 461,030 pounds of marijuana. (US Customs and Border Protection, 2018)

Number of Consumers in the US that Currently Smoke Weed, Based on Gender, July 2017

Number of Consumers in the US that Currently Smoke Weed, Based on Gender, July 2017
  • In July 2017, 13% of US marijuana smokers are men. (Gallup, 2017)
  • In July 2017, 7% of US marijuana smokers are women. (Gallup, 2017)

Number of Consumers in the US that Tried Out Weed, Based on Age Group, July 2017

Number of Consumers in the US that Tried Out Weed, Based on Age Group, July 2017
  • Among the age groups, 30-49 year old US mariuana consumers make up for 51% (Gallup, 2017)
  • People aged 50-64 years old of US marijuana consumers come at second with 49%. (Gallup, 2017)

Thoughts of Registered Voters in the USA About Supporting Weed Laws If No Penalties Were Involved for Possession/Consumption, 2019, by Age Group

Thoughts of Registered Voters in the USA About Supporting Weed Laws If No Penalties Were Involved for Possession/Consumption, 2019, by Age Group
  • In 2019, 59% people at 65 years old and older support weed laws, while 35% oppose and 6% are neutral. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)
  • In that same year, 52% of 18-34 yr old registered voters oppose weed laws while 42% of them support it and 6% at neutral. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)

Percentage of US Adults that Think Smoking Weed at Least Once a Month is Bad, 2016 to 2017

Percentage of US Adults that Think Smoking Weed at Least Once a Month is Bad, 2016 to 2017
  • Mississippi boasts the most percentage of US adults with 35.36% thinking smoking weed at least once a month is bad. (SAMHSA; NSDUH, 2017)
  • Texas comes at a close second with 35.21% of people thinking smoking weed at least once a month is bad. (SAMHSA; NSDUH, 2017)

Share of Users That Smoke Cannabis in the US, July 2017, Household Income

Share of Users That Smoke Cannabis in the US, July 2017, Household Income

Monthly Rounded Number of Cultivated Marijuana in Colorado, 2017

Monthly Rounded Number of Cultivated Marijuana in Colorado, 2017
  • Monthly rounded number of cultivated marijuana in Colorado was at its peak in September 2017 with over 732,202. (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)
  • Monthly rounded number of cultivated marijuana in Colorado gradually dropped down from October to December on that same year, with the lowest being 669,044 in December. (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2017)

Total Household Income Share of US People That Tried Out Marijuana, July 2017

Total Household Income Share of US People That Tried Out Marijuana, July 2017
  • In July 2017, 44% of people in the U.S that make $75,000 and more in household income have tried out marijuana. (Gallup, 2017)
  • In July 2017, 42% alots to both people in the U.S with household income of less than $30,000 and those that earn less than $75,000. (Gallup, 2017)

Number of Consumers in the US That Think Marijuana is Deadlier than Alcohol, April 2017

Number of Consumers in the US That Think Marijuana is Deadlier than Alcohol, April 2017
  • 53% of people in the U.S that say marijuana is deadlier than alcohol are alcohol consumers themselves. (CBS; SSRS, 2017)
  • Only 7% of people in the U.S that say marijuana is deadlier than alcohol are marijuana users. (CBS; SSRS, 2017)

Number of Consumers in the US That Experienced Prohibition Enforcements Due to Marijuana Possession, Jan 2017

Number of Consumers in the US That Experienced Prohibition Enforcements Due to Marijuana Possession, Jan 2017
  • Over 22% of marijuana consumers in the U.S say that they know someone who was arrested for possession of marijuana. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • In the same category, 4% of marijuana consumers in the U.S themselves were arrested for marijuana posession. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Level of agreement With Particular Statements About Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Level of agreement With Particular Statements About Using Marijuana Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017
  • 57% of people disagree that cannabis use is a big concern among their families and friends. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 47% of people agree that depictions of cannabis in movies and TV have made marijuana usage look more tolerable. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Levels of Comfort for Adults that Run a Marijuana Business, Jan 2017

Levels of Comfort for Adults that Run a Marijuana Business, Jan 2017
  • 42% of adults in the U.S feel comfortable running a shop that sells marijuana in their neighborhood. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 39% of adults in the U.S feel uncomfortable with people growing cannabis in their neighborhood for personal use. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Percentage of US Adults that Agree with Particular Statements About Their Opinions Towards Marijuana, 2017

Percentage of US Adults that Agree with Particular Statements About Their Opinions Towards Marijuana, 2017
  • 86% of US adults agree that cannabis has valid medical uses. (Marijuana.com; New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Only 12% of US adults say people that use marijuana should be treated as criminals. (Marijuana.com; New Frontier Data, 2017)

Rate of Cannabis Usage Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017

Rate of Cannabis Usage Among Adults in the US, Jan 2017
  • In January 2017, over 50% of adults almost never used cannabis. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Adults that either used cannabis weekly or less than once a year are tied at 11%. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
AMMA Stats

Marijuana Legalization Statistics in the U.S

AMMA Stats
In the Pacific coast, 63% of US voters want recreational marijuana to be legalized.
54% of US voters less than 50 years old want the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Opinions Towards Legalizing Marijuana to the Public, US, Jan 2017

Opinions Towards Legalizing Marijuana to the Public, US, Jan 2017
  • 55% of people say cannabis should be legalized and taxed like other products. (New Frontier Data; Full Circle Research, 2017)
  • 3% of American are indecisive about whether or not marijuana should be legalized. (New Frontier Data; Full Circle Research, 2017)

Political Affiliation Regarding Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 2000 - 2018

Political Affiliation Regarding Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 2000 - 2018
  • Democrats are dominantly associated with the legalization of marijuana and are highest in 2018 with 75%. (Gallup, 2018)
  • Independent parties used to be the dominant political faction that support legalization of marijuana in 2000, 2003 and 2016. (Gallup, 2018)

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 1969 - 2018

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana, 1969 - 2018
  • In 1969, only 12% of adults supported legalizing marijuana.
    (Gallup, 2018)
  • 2018 was the highest with 66% of people saying marijuana should be legal. (Gallup, 2018)

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana Based on Age, 2000 - 2018

Adults That Support Legalizing Marijuana Based on Age, 2000 - 2018
  • 78% of adults aged 18-34 support the legalizaation of marijuana in 2018. (Gallup, 2018)
  • 59% of elders 55 and up support the legalizaation of marijuana in 2018 (Gallup, 2018)

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Region

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Region
  • In the Pacific coast, 63% of US voters want recreational marijuana to be legalized. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)
  • The South coast holds the most number of registered US voters with 34% wanting the legalization of medical marijuana. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Age Group

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on Age Group
  • 54% of US voters less than 50 years old want the legalization of recreational marijuana. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)
  • 25% of elder US voters 50 years and up say they’re fine with the current marijuana policy. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on affiliation

Number of US-Registered Voters That Had Specific Opinions on the National Cannabis Policy, 2018 based on affiliation
  • 57% of independent US voters prefer the legalization of marijuana; 2% higher than democrats. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)
  • Republicans have a tie at 36% where they want both medical and recreational marijuana to be legal. (Mason-Dixon, 2018)

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
AMMA Stats

Marijuana on the U.S Teenagers

AMMA Stats
From 1995 to 2001, 88.5% of 12th Graders say getting marijuana is very easy.
73-percentage-of-grade-9-12-students-who-have-used-marijuana-according-to-frequency-every-month-and-gender-2017-AM (1)
9-12th Grade students who are frequent users (40 times and up) sit at 4.7% males and 3.1% females.

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana At Least Once For the Past 30 Days in 2017, According to Location and Ethnicity

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana At Least Once For the Past 30 Days in 2017, According to Location and Ethnicity
  • 29.7% of American Indian 9-12th Graders admitted they have used marijuana within a month in 2017. (CDC, 2017)
  • 7.3% of Asian 9-12th Graders admitted they have used marijuana within a month in 2017. (CDC, 2017)

30-Day Frequency of Grades 8, 10 an 12 Students That Have Used Marijuana, 1991 to 2018

In 1996 and 1997, 17.7 to 17.9% of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 have used marijuana; the highest numbers from 1991-2018 (Institute for Social Research, 2018) The least percentage of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 that have used marijuana was in 1992 with only 7.7% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)
  • In 1996 and 1997, 17.7 to 17.9% of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 have used marijuana; the highest numbers from 1991-2018 (Institute for Social Research, 2018)
  • The least percentage of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 that have used marijuana was in 1992 with only 7.7% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)

Lifetime Frequency of Grades 8, 10 an 12 Students That Have Used Marijuana, 1991 to 2018

Lifetime Frequency of Grades 8, 10 an 12 Students That Have Used Marijuana, 1991 to 2018
  • 1997 had the highest number of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 with a lifetime frequency of marijuana usage at 37.8% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)
  • 1992 was the least number of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 with a lifetime frequency of marijuana usage at 21.1% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)

Percentage of US High School Students That Have Used Marijuana, According to Gender and Sexual Preference

Percentage of US High School Students That Have Used Marijuana, According to Gender and Sexual Preference
  • Bisexual femal high school students used marijuana the most at 55.6%. (CDC (Youth Risk Behavior Surveys); MMWR, 2017)
  • On the other hand, gays lead in high school males that have used marijuana. It sits at 43.5%. (CDC (Youth Risk Behavior Surveys); MMWR, 2017)

Percentage of US High School Students Who Used Marijuana, 2017, Based on Gender and Ethnicity

Percentage of US High School Students Who Used Marijuana, 2017, Based on Gender and Ethnicity
  • Over 44% of black females make up the most in US High School students that have used marijuana. (CDC, 2017)
  • Hispanic and black males and females sit at the same total percentage of 42%. (CDC, 2017)

Percentage of College Students That Have Consumed Marijuana Within the Past 30 Days, Fall 2018

Percentage of College Students That Have Consumed Marijuana Within the Past 30 Days, Fall 2018
  • 62.9% of college students have never used marijuana for the past 30 days within the Fall of 2018. (NCHA, 2018)
  • 2.7% of college students have used marijuana for the past 30 days on a daily basis within the Fall of 2018. (NCHA, 2018)

Yearly Frequency of Marijuana Usage Among Grades 8, 10 and 12 Students, 1991 to 2018

Yearly Frequency of Marijuana Usage Among Grades 8, 10 and 12 Students, 1991 to 2018
  • 1997 had the highest number of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 with a yearly frequency of marijuana usage at 30.1% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)
  • 1992 had the least number of students Grade 8, 10 and 12 with a yearly frequency of marijuana usage at 14.3% (Institute for Social Research, 2018)

Perception of 12th Graders Regarding the Availability of Marijuana, US, 1975 - 2018

Perception of 12th Graders Regarding the Availability of Marijuana, US, 1975 - 2018
  • From 1995 to 2001, 88.5% of 12th Graders say getting marijuana is very easy. (Institute for Social Research, 2018)
  • 2015 had the lowest percentage of 12th Graders with 79.5% saying getting marijuana is very easy. (Institute for Social Research, 2018)

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana, According to Frequency Every Month and Gender

Percentage of Grade 9-12 Students Who Have Used Marijuana, According to Frequency Every Month and Gender
  • Majority of 9-12th Graders have not used marijuanaa with 80% boys and 80.4% girls. (CDC, 2017)
  • 9-12th Grade students who are frequent users (40 times and up) sit at 4.7% males and 3.1% females. (CDC, 2017)
AMMA Stats

Cannabis Industry

AMMA Stats
In 2017, the most common responsibility of marijuana companies in the USA is Cultivation (25%).
In 2017, the most common responsibility of marijuana companies in the USA is Cultivation (25%).
19% of people have invested in cannabis – both of which have touched and not touched the marijuana plant.

Benefits Given to Cannabis Industry Workers, US, 2017

Benefits Given to Cannabis Industry Workers, US, 2017
  • In 2017, 48% of US marijuana workers have never received benefits. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 45% of US cannabis workers get paid vacation time. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Top Reasons Why Employees Joined the Marijuana Business in the USA, 2017

Top Reasons Why Employees Joined the Marijuana Business in the USA, 2017

Number of Employees Arrested Due to Cannabis, USA, 2017

Number of Employees Arrested Due to Cannabis, USA, 2017
  • Over 87% of employees say they were never arrested because of cannabis. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Only 11% of them said they were arrested for cannabis. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Responsibility of Cannabis-Based Companies, USA, 2017

Responsibility of Cannabis-Based Companies, USA, 2017
  • In 2017, the most common responsibility of marijuana companies in the USA is Cultivation (25%). (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Coming at close second is Marketing/PR and Brand Management as a responsibility of a cannabis-based company at 24% (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Number of Cannabis-Based Workers that Have Consumed Cannabis, US, 2017

Number of Cannabis-Based Workers that Have Consumed Cannabis, US, 2017
  • Over 85% of cannabis workers have used the plant (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Only 15% of cannabis workers have never consumed marijuana. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Perceived Factors that Stop The Cannabis Industry to Achieve a More Diverse Laborforce in the US, 2017

Perceived Factors that Stop The Cannabis Industry to Achieve a More Diverse Laborforce in the US, 2017
  • 58% of people think that limited knowledge and lack of commitment are what stops cannabis business to achieve better labor (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 54% say that lack of gender diversity and specific recruitment also stop cannabis business from achieving better labor force. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Prevalence of Marijuana Consumption Among the Marijuana-Based Employees, USA, 2017

Prevalence of Marijuana Consumption Among the Marijuana-Based Employees, USA, 2017
  • 58% of marijuana-based employees consume the substance daily in 2017 (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Also in 2017, only 0.2% of marijuana workers have never used the substance. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Average Weekly Work Hours in the Marijuana Business, USA, 2017

Average Weekly Work Hours in the Marijuana Business, USA, 2017
  • The most average weekly work hours in the marijuana business is 19 hours (19%). (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • Only 2% work in the marijuana business for 71 to 80 hours (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Perceived Problems of Working in a Marijuana Business, 2017

Perceived Problems of Working in a Marijuana Business, 2017
  • 60% think lack of mentors and good salaries/benefits are the biggest problems in the cannabis business. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • At a half, 50% workers say the biggest problem in the cannabis industry is gender discrimination. (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Are You Personally Working for Any of the Following Cannabis Businesses?

Are You Personally Working for Any of the Following Cannabis Businesses?
  • 42% have said they never worked for any of the given marijuana companies. (New Frontier Data, 2017)
  • 38% work at Women Grow (New Frontier Data, 2017)

Tax Revenue from Cannabis Versus Total State Sales Taxes, USA, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)

Tax Revenue from Cannabis Versus Total State Sales Taxes, USA, 2017 - 2020 (in billion USD)
  • In 2017, cannabis retail taxes were 560,000 USD and state sale taxes were 100,000 USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)
  • By 2020, the cannabis retail taxes will be 1.4 million USD and the state sale taxes at 410,000 USD (New Frontier Data, 2016)

Leading Marijuana Startups in the World, 2018 Based on Capital Volume

Leading Marijuana Startups in the World, 2018 Based on Capital Volume
  • Globally, Tilray has the largest capital volume as a marijuana startup in the world with $47M (CB Insights, 2018)
  • Trailing the least is Springbig at $3.2M as capital volume of a marijuana startup (CB Insights, 2018)

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Confections in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Confections in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status
  • Legal marijuana for recreational use was responsible for the 2% sales growth rate of confections. (Nielsen, 2019)
  • Contrarily, only 1.3% sales growth rate of confections were because of illegal usage. (Nielsen, 2019)

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Snacks and Junk Food in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status

Influence of Marijuana on the Sales Growth of Snacks and Junk Food in the US, 2019, Based on State Legalization Status
  • Legal marijuana for recreational use was responsible for the 7.2% sales growth rate of snacks and junk food (Nielsen, 2019)
  • 6% in sales growth of snacks and junk food were due to illegal marijuana (Nielsen, 2019)