What was your vet's take on using CBD for pets?

Vet's take on using CBD for pets

Major takeaways:

35% of participants said that their vets advised them to use CBD on their pets
11% said that their vets overly advertised CBD for pets to them
Only 10% admitted that their vets doubted the efficacy of CBD for pets, while 24% were neutral on this topic

Who did recommend you to use CBD for your pets?

Who did recommend you to use CBD for your pets

Major takeaways:

  • Half of participants said that their friends/family members/colleagues recommended CBD for pets to them
  • 26% of the participants said their vets recommended CBD for pets to them

Concerns about CBD for Pets: Before vs After Using CBD

Major takeaways:

  • Before using CBD on their pets, 20% were concerned about its efficacy. However, after using it, 56% of them were no longer worried about that issue
  • Before using CBD on their pets, 61% of the participants were worried about its safety. However, after using it, 40% of them were no longer concerned about that.
  • 20% of participants were concerned if using CBD on their pets was worth buying. After using it, 60% were less worried about that, and 25% no longer had this concern.

Pet CBD vs Other Medications

Major takeaways:

  • 63% of participants have tried other medications before using CBD on their pets. 83% of them agreed that CBD was more effective, and 81% agreed that CBD was safer.

Post COVID-19, are you still willing to buy CBD for your pets?

are you still willing to buy CBD for your pets

Major takeaways:

  • Although COVID-19 has affected their finances, 36% of the participants are still willing to buy CBD for pets post pandemic.

Would you recommend CBD for pets to others?

Would you recommend CBD for pets to others

Major takeaways:

  • 9 out of 10 participants would recommend CBD for pets to others.

Do you often check the labels on CBD products before buying for your pets?

CBD products before buying for your pets

Major takeaways:

92% often read the labels on CBD products before purchasing CBD for their pets. Among them:

  • 19% of the participants are not sure if they understand the information labeled on CBD products
  • 59% of the respondents believe they have a fair understanding of the information labeled on CBD products
  • 20% of the participants are very sure that they understand all the information labeled on CBD products

Methodology and Limitations

We launched the survey on MTurk. To make sure the participants are U.S pet CBD users, we do two things:

  1. Set qualifications to ensure that participants are located only in the U.S.
  2. Set a qualifying question at the beginning of the survey. In this case, the qualifying question is “Do you use CBD on your pets?”, those who answered “No” will be disqualified and can not complete the survey.
We also have an attention-check question in the middle of the survey to ensure participants do not randomly answer the survey.

Because the survey relies on self-reporting, issues such as telescoping and exaggeration can influence responses. Please also be advised that this survey’s results do not reflect our opinions.

Fair Use Statement​

If you know someone who could benefit from our findings, feel free to share this project with them. The graphics and content are available for noncommercial reuse. All we ask is that you link back to this page so that readers get all the necessary information and we receive proper credit.