Its lethal dose (ie, the amount you would need to consume to cause you to overdose) is considerably high. Still, just because you are unlikely to overdose, it doesn’t mean you couldn’t have some physical, mental, or emotional effects if used excessively.

Many of these effects only show up disruptively when a person uses excessive amounts of weed. Some of them are reversible with reduced weed usage while others, especially the physical ones, become permanent.

This Is Actually One Man, But In Two Different Timelines!

Jason LeftJason Right

Meet Jason – The

Future Weed


We developed two profiles of weed smokers. One profile is for a smoker who uses weed in moderation over ten years and another for the one who uses it excessively over the same period.  Sometimes-Smoking Jason (the one who smokes weed in moderation) enjoys positive effects. He ensures sufficient time between smoking sessions, which allows the body to recover from the previous session.

Always-Toking Jason (the one who smokes weed excessively each and everyday for 10 years straight) has smoking sessions that are long, and they are so frequent that his body doesn’t get time to recuperate. As a result, Always-Toking Jason experiences the adverse effects that come with weed.

The Future Weed Smoker

Sometimes-Smoking Jason


Smooth, Infection-Free Face


Sometimes-Smoking Jason will have a smooth, healthy face. This is because smoking weed in moderation provides the user all the cannabinoids and bio-compounds that come with it.

CBD, one of the main cannabinoids in grass, has positive effects on the skin. Weed, when taken in moderation, fights inflammation, and inflammation is one of the leading causes of skin problems.

There is also evidence to suggest that CBD helps in the management of acne.

Excessive use of weed usually causes the user to lose touch with reality. When this happens, Always-Toking Jason is likely to suffer injuries, some of which could be on the face.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason will experience no such injuries since their usage will not result in breaks with reality.

Less Intraocular Pressure and Better Peripheral Vision


Sometimes-Smoking Jason’s eyes benefit from smoking a moderate amount of marijuana because weed reduces intraocular optical pressure.

The reduction of IOP is vital to glaucoma or those who are genetically predisposed to get it.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason, therefore, is likely to have their peripheral vision intact since it wouldn’t be destroyed by glaucoma.

They may not need to use spectacles like other people suffering from glaucoma would. If Sometimes-Smoking Jason doesn’t have glaucoma, smoking a moderate amount of weed would help reduce other types of inflammations that affect the eyes.

Grass, acting as an antibiotic, would further reduce eye illnesses and cause the person to have great eyes.

Their eyes would retain their natural color. They wouldn’t be itchy or watery.

More Relaxed Vocal Cords and Natural Voice


Smoking generally affects the voice. Moderate use, however, may not have as adverse effects as when a person uses large quantities of it. Sometimes-Smoking Jason, therefore, will have their voice intact even after smoking weed for some time. If there are changes, they will not be so significant as to change the way he speaks.

If Sometimes-Smoking Jason makes a living using their voice, such as in singing, they will still be able to hit the vocal range with their vocals. This is because moderate usage of marijuana allows the vocal cords to regain the elasticity they lose from smoking. Such a recovery doesn’t work with heavy smokers because, as we shall see later, they never allow their vocal cords to recover from the effects of marijuana.

This means that Sometimes-Smoking Jason will still have their singing voice relatively intact even after ten years of moderate smoking.

One of the factors determining the quality of voice is how relaxed the individual’s vocal chords are. Tension on the vocal cord can significantly affect the quality of voice especially if it is a highly specialized sound such as a singing voice. Weed, on the other hand, when smoked in moderation causes relaxation in the user’s body including in the vocal chord. Relaxed vocal cords will enable Sometimes-Smoking Jason to produce a better quality voice.

Healthier Lungs and Better Breathing Due to Dilated Airways


Sometimes-Smoking Jason will be breathing normally in ten years.

No wheezing or bronchitis or increased possibility of lung infections such as pneumonia.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason might end up having better functioning lungs in ten years than they had in the beginning. Marijuana is a bronchodilator.

This means that it dilates respiratory tubes, especially in people with asthma.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason will have the effects of their asthma less pronounced after ten years of moderate marijuana use than they had when they started using.

Healthier Lungs and Better Breathing Due to Dilated Airways


Sometimes-Smoking Jason will be breathing normally in ten years.

No wheezing or bronchitis or increased possibility of lung infections such as pneumonia.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason might end up having better functioning lungs in ten years than they had in the beginning. Marijuana is a bronchodilator.

This means that it dilates respiratory tubes, especially in people with asthma.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason will have the effects of their asthma less pronounced after ten years of moderate marijuana use than they had when they started using.

Healthy Body Weight


All factors held constant. Sometimes-Smoking Jason will remain within the range of their healthy body weight.

The amount of marijuana he uses will not deplete the amount of dopamine his body produces.

Having sufficient amounts of dopamine produced in the body will ensure that the user remains active, thus burning fat.

Therefore Sometimes-Smoking Jason will be burning fat at a high rate even though marijuana usage is likely to increase their appetite.

Higher food intake would be canceled out by a higher rate of burning fat, which will ultimately leave the person healthy.

Healthier Mouth and Teeth and No Oral Health Issues


Sometimes-Smoking Jason will not have oral health issues that can directly be attributed to their use of weed.

Their gums will be healthy, and he is unlikely to have excessive mouth odor because of using marijuana.

Sometimes-Smoking Jason’s teeth will not be discolored by the use of weed either.

Always-Toking Jason

As mentioned earlier, excessive marijuana smoking has adverse effects on the user in the long run. The following is how Always-Toking Jason will be after ten years of smoking marijuana excessively.

White Face, Loss of Skin Elasticity and Accelerated Aging


After smoking excessive amounts of cannabis for ten years, Jason B will be looking considerably older than they are. Accelerated aging comes because marijuana causes constriction of blood vessels. As a result of this constriction, blood doesn’t get to the skin in adequate amounts. This means that the skin doesn’t get sufficient nutrients and especially oxygen.

The other reason why marijuana causes aging is because of its high amounts of hydrocarbons. When used regularly and in large quantities, the body doesn’t get time to cleanse itself of the hydrocarbons on the skin adequately. Accumulation of the hydrocarbons leads to the reduction of collagen in the skin

Collagen is the substance responsible for strengthening the skin and protecting it from the effects of the elements. It also reduces the possibility of the skin getting inflamed. When levels of collagen reduce, the skin loses its elasticity, and the effects of UV rays on it increases. Due to this combination of factors, Jason B will have aged several years ahead of his time.

After ten years of heavy weed usage, Jason B will continuously have a face that has a pale, whitish appearance. Paleness is usually a temporary effect of smoking marijuana. It occurs due to the lowering of blood pressure that is occasioned taking in THC into the body. While it passes after some time, a regular and heavy marijuana user will have a white face because they smoke more regularly and in higher quantities.

Bloodshot Eyes and Poor Eyesight


Always-Toking Jason will have poor vision and bloodshot eyes after ten years of heavy marijuana use. The THC present in marijuana causes low blood pressure.

When this happens, the body seeks to normalize blood flow to the eyes by dilating the blood capillaries that serve the eyes.

Once enlarged, capillaries increase the amount of blood that enters the eye resulting in the eyes appearing bloodshot.

The sclera of Always-Toking Jason will be the part in which redness of the eye will be most visible because it forms a white background to the redness.

When this abnormal dilation continues over a long time, the capillaries get damaged due to constant unnatural dilation.

Ultimately, this damage to capillaries compromises the flow of blood in the eyes, affecting eyesight and the appearance of the user’s eyes permanently.

Besides the effects of low blood pressure, Always-Toking Jason’s eyes will also be itchy and watery.

Vocal Scarring, Laryngitis Leading to Poor Voice Quality


Always-Toking Jason’s voice will change over the course of 10 years worth of heavy marijuana smoking. Excessive marijuana use over time ruins the voice in many ways, and this is often irreversible. The adverse impacts on Always-Toking Jason’s voice may be due to vocal cord scarring, traumatic injuries, lung disease, laryngitis, and changes indicating the possibility of getting cancer.

When inhaled, all types of smoke cause vocal cord scarring—such scarring in return manifest in a more raspy voice. The question smoking weed has on Always-Toking Jason’s voice is particularly essential if Always-Toking Jason makes their living using sound, such as singing. If they are a singer, a little raspiness may be a good thing, but the damage will increase irreversibly over ten years. When this progressive damage occurs, Always-Toking Jason will eventually find it impossible to hit their usual musical range.

Laryngitis is another major concern for Always-Toking Jason’s voice. Any kind of smoke affects the vocal cords causing them to vibrate less and less clearly. As a result of this, the user ends up with a hoarse voice. When the person gets laryngitis, they usually continue forcing air through the swollen vocal cords if they are singers. When air is forced through, it may cause traumatic injuries since the cords don’t vibrate as usual.

Forcing the air through vocal cords may cause the growth of polyps, which, besides adversely affecting the voice, they also cause Always-Toking Jason pain when they exert their vocal cords. With all these in view, if Always-Toking Jason is a singer, their career may have come to an end in ten years if they insist on smoking marijuana heavily throughout.

Unhealthy Lungs


Due to excessive use of marijuana, Always-Toking Jason will experience inflammation in the lungs, which will manifest illnesses such as chronic bronchitis.

The effects of inhaled smoke, coupled with the fact that THC reduces immunity, will also lead to Always-Toking Jason experiencing consistent bouts of pneumonia over time.

The excessive smoke he inhales will also lead to loss of elasticity in the lungs, which will manifest in shortness of breath, and wheezing, due to scarred and narrowed airways, among other things.

It is also noteworthy that all smoke that enters the lung is likely to end up causing cancer.

Always-Toking Jason is, therefore, could possibly develop lung or throat cancer after ten years of heavy marijuana smoking.

Always-Toking Jason is also likely to experience persistent coughing due to the damage smoking causes on their lungs.



Always-Toking Jason may be struggling with obesity or anorexia after ten years of excessive marijuana usage.

Marijuana increases appetite by inhibiting the production of the hormones that inform the body when it is sated.

With an increased appetite, Always-Toking Jason will be eating more food than he would need.

Marijuana also reduces dopamine, which in turn makes you less active.

Like other marijuana effects, the initial impacts may change to become the complete opposite after a long time of overuse.

Changes in brain chemistry, especially the reward system may ‘flip the switch’ for hunger and end up making the brain less sensitive to when the person is hungry.

The result of this is that Always-Toking Jason will lose their appetite, which will adversely affect their body weight.

Decayed Teeth and Mouth Odor


Always-Toking Jason will have stained teeth in ten years, and they will probably have had some of their teeth pulled due to cavities.

They will likely have contracted periodontal disease, irritated gums, gingivitis, and bleeding gums.

In an extreme scenario, Always-Toking Jason may have contracted oral cancer.

Continuous smoking over ten years will cause Always-Toking Jason’s teeth to recede further and further from his gums.

When they recede, they usually leave a small space between the tooth and the gum. This space provides room for food particles to hide, which ultimately leads to tooth decay.

Weed inhibits the production of saliva in the sublingual salivary glands.

The inhibition, in turn, causes cases of cottonmouth.

A dry mouth is prone to stinking and so Always-Toking Jason will have dental odor after ten years of heavy weed smoking.

How To Become Sometimes-Smoking Jason, Enjoying Weed While Staying Healthy and Good-looking?

As earlier observed, marijuana has considerable health benefits if used well. The following are some measures you can take to ensure your health improves from using weed like that of Sometimes-Smoking Jason.


One of the biggest mistakes you can make is yielding to the urge to become a couch potato when you smoke. Sitting and doing nothing will only exacerbate the adverse physical effects of smoking weed. Walking exercises your lungs, which ensures that they don’t lose their elasticity due to weed’s impact. Exercising also helps reverse constriction of airways, improves your cardio, and lifts your moods.

High THC in the system can lead to poor coordination. This means that the exercises should be simple such as walking and others that wouldn’t lead to accidents when not executed properly. The simplicity of exercise is also vital because THC is stored in the body fat, and when you burn the fat while exercising, you are likely to get high all over again.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

As earlier observed, marijuana can lead you to either extreme of eating disorders. You could overeat, making you overweight or lose all appetite, which would make you lose an unhealthy amount of weight. You should always ensure that you eat a balanced diet, even when you don’t feel like it.

Smoke Responsibly

When used in moderation, marijuana can be completely healthy. Besides exercising and eating healthy, ensure you don’t smoke too much of it and that there are reasonably long time intervals between your smoking sessions. You will give your body time to regenerate any parts that THC may have damaged when you use it in moderation.  Some of the body parts include blood capillaries in the eyes, blood vessels on the skin. Time will allow for the rebalancing of the blood pressure and cleansing of hydrocarbons from the body.

Maintain Basic Hygiene

As seen in the profile of Always-Toking Jason, long term exposure to marijuana smoke can have adverse effects on the user’s oral health. Ensure you brush your teeth, floss, and other activities of oral hygiene. This is something you should do even if you don’t feel like it.