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Step 1: Preparing Your THC Milk

There are two ways to go about preparing your cannabis milk. Most people simply grind up their favorite cannabis strain and use the raw material. However, we highly recommend using a decarboxylator, such as LĒVO Oil. Through decarboxylation, you ensure you’re getting the raw cannabinoid material and garnering maximum potency.

With either method, you have the option to use cannabis that’s rich in THC or cannabidiol (CBD). Your cannabinoid preference ultimately comes down to what you’re looking for in your cannamilk.

Once you’ve decided what cannabis material you need, you’ll also want to gather the following ingredients:

  • 1L (4 cups) of bottled water
  • 1L (4 cups) of whole milk *
  • Glass bottle (for storing)
  • Thin strainer
  • Wooden spoon

* Cannabinoids are fat-soluble which means they will be absorbed into fatty materials. As such, it’s important to use whole milk so all cannabinoids will be gathered within this recipe.

Step 2: Cleaning Your Marijuana

If you want to avoid a sour-tasting final product, it’s key to get rid of the chlorophyll in your cannabis. Beyond offering a better taste, this process also ensures you’re washing away fertilizer residues, dirt, and insects that may be contaminating your raw flower.

To clean your cannabis, you’ll need your pot, strainer, and a liter (4 cups) of bottled water. With these materials, you can follow these steps:

  1. Pour the cannabis and water into a pot.
  2. Boil this pot on a stove.
  3. Once boiling, let it sit for ten minutes with the heat down.
  4. After ten minutes, pour the pot into your strainer. Clean the material with some cold water and avoid touching it directly.

Step 3: Making Your Cannabis Milk

With your clean marijuana, you’ll now need the following materials to complete the process: your pot, strainer, wooden spoon, glass bottle, and a liter (4 cups) of whole milk. With all this laid out, you can take the following steps to get a finished product:

  1. Pour the full liter (4 cups) of milk and your cannabis into the pot.
  2. Place on a stove with medium heat until it starts boiling.
  3. Once it starts boiling, put the stove on a low heat. From there, mix the liquid now and then to prevent it from boiling.
  4. After 40 minutes, remove the pot and pour the mixture into your strainer, sitting over your glass bottle.
  5. Once the bottle reaches room temperature, it’s then safe to put it in the refrigerator.
Making Your Cannabis Milk

What are the Effects of THC Milk?

The effects of THC milk are similar to other THC edibles. It will take longer for the effects to become apparent, but when they do, they’ll last longer and be more intense.

Beyond this, the effects you experience ultimately come down to the strain you choose to infuse. For example, an Indica strain will likely make you relaxed and sleepy. Whereas a Sativa strain may make you feel energetic and euphoric.

If you find the psychotropic effects of THC milk to be too intense, we recommend going with a strain that’s higher in THC. This will help to balance out THC’s psychoactivity as CBD counteracts these effects.

How Much Cannabis Milk Should You Consume?

Since you’re making this cannabis milk yourself, it’s difficult to measure the exact dosage you’re receiving with each sip. As such, we recommend starting small and working your way up. By consuming a small amount, you’ll be able to get a sense of how cannabis milk makes you feel and how much you’ll need to garner the effects you’re looking for.

How Do You Store THC Milk?

You’ll want to store your THC milk in the same manner you’d store any other bottle of milk – safely in the refrigerator. However, it’s important to remember the expiration date on the original bottle of whole milk you used. It may help to place a label on your jar to remember.

Keep in mind that cannabinoids are likely to degrade in milk over time. Therefore, the sooner you consume your milk, the more potent it will be.

What Can You Use Cannabis Milk For?

Cannabis milk is just milk with THC in it. Therefore, you can use it with any recipe that requires milk and make a cannabis-rich dish. However, you should avoid recipes with high heat as this may degrade the cannabinoids in your THC milk.