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Reggie Weed Simply Defined

As stated, reggie weed is low-quality cannabis. Still, how does such a product come into existence?

Naturally, professional growers aren’t trying to supply their customers with bad marijuana. That said, most reggie weed is grown illegally – either on private property or from unregulated farms.

In many instances, these grow operations are done outdoors. Usually in conditions that aren’t suitable for marijuana grows (or under circumstances where the grower is negligible to the plant’s environment).

Furthermore, many of these operations are happening in Mexico and being shipped in bricks to the United States. For this reason, you may hear of reggie weed being referred to as “brick weed.” Other common slang terms include:

  • Dirt weed
  • Ditch weed
  • Firewood
  • Ragweed
  • Schwag
  • Shake

Beyond the fact that reggie weed does not smell or taste good, it also has a low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) percentage. In other words, it won’t get you as high.

What Strain is Reggie Weed?

If you hear someone refer to reggie weed as a strain, this is due to the fact that the strain is unidentified. In other words, the origin of such marijuana is not known and, therefore, it cannot be classified. However, most reggie weed is either Sativa or a Hybrid.

How to Identify Reggie Weed

It’s extremely unlikely you’ll find reggie marijuana at your local dispensary. Such low-quality product hardly ever makes it to store shelves (since it’s bad for business). However, if you still purchase cannabis off the black market, it’s worth knowing how to identify reggie. Here are 3 pointers to keep in mind:

What Does it Smell Like?

The most convenient way to distinguish high-quality cannabis products from low-quality products is by smell. If you’ve consumed you’re fair share of cannabis before, you know what a good product smells like. That said, it will be easy for you to identify when a product is bottom-shelf.

However, if you’re new to cannabis, this can be a bit more difficult to determine. Simply put, reggie weed gives off a musty or dirt-like odor. Some may refer to the smell as “skunky,” “dry hay,” or “chemically” (possibly due to hazardous grow practices).

In top-shelf weed, it’s not that such smells are simply non-existent. You’ll also be blessed with strong scents reminiscent of floral, spice, pinene, or fruit. These smells are largely produced by terpenes and this is the biggest reason reggie weed doesn’t smell so great, it lacks terpenes.

What Does it Look Like?

If you’re new to cannabis, it’s in your interest to do a quick Google search and see what top-quality products look like. They’re often vibrant in colors and sport green, orange, or sometimes purple.

Reggie weed will appear much duller. It appears as a dark green color (sometimes greenish-brown or gray-green). In some cases, its hue may be brown, mustard, or tan.

Beyond color, reggie weed is also characterized by the number of seeds and stems it contains. Instead of big healthy buds, you’ll get loose nugs that often leave a dirty appearance around the container.

If you happen to have a magnifying glass, you’ll be able to see reggie lacks a number of characteristics found in healthy marijuana. Most notably, trichomes (hairlike crystallizations).

What Does it Feel Like?

When touching reggie weed, you’ll notice it has a very dry composition. You can put it to the test by squeezing it in your hands and seeing whether or not the flower crumbles. On top of this, you may find the product leaves plenty of dust behind either on your fingers or in the container.

Compare this to high-quality marijuana that is firm. Such firmness leaves you with a springy sensation when squeezed and may even result in stickiness.

To take this further, reggie weed will make itself more apparent when inhaled. It’ll likely feel very dry in your lungs, cause a strong burning sensation in your throat, and leave your mouth feeling parched. On top of this, the taste will be either bland or discomforting.

Reggie Weed Frequently Asked Questions