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Strava Craft Coffee

Best Variety

Strava Craft Coffee

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Cost: $8.95 – 99.95
  • Quantity: 4-pack / 12-pack / 48-pack
  • Total CBD: 24 mg – 960 mg Coffee
  • Blends: Decaf / Medium / Dark

Strava is a well-established CBD coffee producer, offering recyclable pods designed for both Keurig (also referred to as K-Cups) and Nespresso machines, along with bags of ground and whole bean coffee. Their K-Cup lineup includes decaf, medium, and dark roasts at CBD dosages of 4 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg per pod. These pods are sold in packs of four, 12, or 48, with considerable cost savings for buying the largest pack. The 48-pack of 20 mg pods puts each pod at $2.08, a considerably lower price point compared to similar products on the market. The company has one CBD coffee pod designed for original Nespresso machines: a medium roast 10 mg pod, available in six, 12, and 48-packs.

Their coffee is infused with organically-grown, broad-spectrum hemp-derived CBD that is third-party lab tested. Customer reviews report that their “craft roasted” 100% Colombian Arabica bean coffee is high quality and has a great, rich flavor. Strava boasts that the CBD infusion can help users feel alert, calm, and focused, and can also ease inflammation and discomfort due to certain health conditions. They also claim to be the first company to introduce CBD-infused coffee to the market in 2016, using small-batch methods and Colorado-grown hemp CBD. Strava 20 mg dose coffee pods offer great value for money.

Diamond Chill CBD K-Cups

Great Flavor

Diamond Chill CBD K-Cups

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 95%

Price 95%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Cost: $19.99
  • Quantity: 4-pack
  • Total CBD: 100 mg Coffee
  • Blends: Regular / Decaf

Diamond is a CBD producer offering a vast array of CBD products from oils, gummies, and vapes to bath and body items, and even treats for pets. Their pods are compatible with Keurig machines and can be purchased in packs of four, or in mixed four-packs that include a decaf version and two tea pods. The CBD coffee is infused with hemp-derived CBD isolate, and each pod offers a 25 mg dose of CBD.

The company posts third-party lab test results but does not give specific information on hemp sources, just that all their products are made in the United States. Diamond CBD does not divulge where the coffee beans are sourced from, and some reviewers found that the quality of the coffee wasn’t as high as competing products, but most still reported that they enjoyed the flavor. Reviewers also said that Diamond Chill CBD coffee pod made them feel much more relaxed at work and helped with stress and anxiety. At $3.24 per pod, Diamond Chill CBD K-Cups don’t offer as much value as similar products on the market, and they do not claim on the website that their pods are recyclable.

Hemp House Dark Roast

Most Ethical

Hemp House Dark Roast

Quality 95%

Effectiveness 95%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Cost: $39.99
  • Quantity: 8-pack / 16-pack
  • Total CBD: 80 – 160 mg
  • Coffee Blends: Dark Roast

Hemp House Coffee & Tea Co. specializes only in CBD-infused hot beverages and is committed to environmental sustainability and organic, fair-trade practices. They exclusively use 100% hemp-derived CBD coffee, claiming that it has full bioavailability and is super pure. Their products are third-party lab tested and their production methods are well-documented on their website.

Hemp House’s product lineup includes just one kind of CBD-infused coffee pod, and one CBD-infused herbal tea pod, both designed for Keurig machines. The coffee pods brew Hemp House Dark Roast, made from 100% Arabica beans, offering a complex flavor with smoky and chocolatey undertones. There is a 10mg dose of CBD per coffee pod. Hemp House CBD coffee pod is sold in eight and 16-packs, with the price coming in at about $2.50 per pod, which is a bit high for the dosage but is probably due to the quality of the coffee and the environmentally friendly packaging. Reviewers found that Hemp House uses high-quality CBD and that the effects were chill and relaxing.

NakedCBD K-Cups

Alternative Choice

NakedCBD K-Cups

Quality 95%

Effectiveness 95%

Price 95%

Customer Service 95%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Cost: $5.99 – $47.99
  • Quantity: 1 / 3 / 6 / 12
  • Total CBD: 10 – 120 mg
  • Coffee Blends: Regular

NakedCBD produces edibles, beverages, oils, topicals, and CBD pet products. The company makes two different kinds of coffee pods, both designed for Keurig machines. One CBD coffee pod is made with their hemp-derived CBD NANO Coffee blend, and the other is made with coffee infused with hemp-derived full-spectrum CBD extract. NakedCBD claims that full-spectrum nano CBD extract has ten times the absorbability of other CBD extracts, meaning it can be up to ten times more effective. The NANO CBD coffee is made with 100% Arabica beans sourced from Honduras then freshly blind-roasted. Due to the variation in nano CBD effectiveness, these pods don’t list the dosage.

The company’s other CBD coffee pods are made by soaking Colombian coffee beans in full-spectrum CBD. Each pod offers a 10 mg dose of CBD. Both kinds of pods sell as singles or in packs of three, six, or 12, with considerable savings for buying in bulk. A 12-pack puts the full-spectrum pods at $2.33 per pod and the nano pods at approximately $4.16 per pod. The NANO coffee pods are considerably higher in price compared to most CBD-infused coffee pods on the market. Reviewers found both pods to make rich, bold flavored coffee. They also found the effects to be better focus and concentration, along with relaxation and calm. NakedCBD is third-party lab tested but does not claim on their website that their pods are recyclable.

What Makes A Quality CBD Coffee Pod?

People who enjoy drinking coffee, but are prone to negative side effects from caffeine, like being restless or giddy, may find a cup of CBD-infused coffee helps offset these anxiety-like effects. CBD has been found by some to be an equalizer, allowing those normally sensitive to caffeine to be able to enjoy drinking coffee, skipping the bad effects like jitters or nervousness, while still enjoying the benefits of caffeine—like alertness.

But how do you find the best CBD coffee product? CBD is affected by temperature, so CBD coffee pods need to be designed carefully by the producer in order to offer accurate dosage information or make any claims about the possible health benefits of drinking it. To look for a high-quality CBD coffee pod, start by checking out trusted CBD producers whose products are third-party lab tested. Be sure that the coffee pods are clearly labeled with the dosage of CBD in each coffee pod, and that the company offers information on the CBD purity and extraction methods. Look for producers who are transparent about where they source their coffee. Choose the roast or style of coffee that you enjoy most, and if possible, select recyclable pods.