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About Cannabolish

While traditional air fresheners simply cover up odors, Cannabolish’s products take this a step further. They directly eliminate cannabis (and other smoke-related) odors.

This design comes from a team of scientists and engineers who’ve been working on eliminating odors for over 30 years. Previously, they designed products for wastewater treatment plants, landfills, smoke-filled hotel rooms, and skunk-sprayed pets.

But how does this technology work?

First, the researchers needed to figure out what causes cannabis odors. They determined it came down to the odorous chemicals benzene, ammonia, and formaldehyde. From there, they sought after plant oils that naturally eliminate these chemicals.

In turn, we’re left with a selection of products under Cannabolish’s brand!

These products are made using all-natural ingredients to ensure they’re healthy for the environment. Furthermore, their lack of synthetic fragrances and other harmful chemicals makes them people-friendly as well.

Cannabolish Cannabis Odor Removing Wintergreen Spray
Cannabolish: Sprays
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Cannabolish Lavender Odor Removing Candle
Cannabolish: Candles
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Cannabolish Cannabis Odor Removing Wintergreen Gel
Cannabolish: Gels
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Cannabolish Wintergreen Camo Kit
Cannabolish: Kits
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Cannabolish Cannabis Odor Removing Wintergreen Spray

Cannabolish: Sprays

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

  • Comes in Lavender and Wintergreen scents
  • Two sizes (2 fl. oz. and 8 fl. oz.)
  • Offered in discounted bundles

Starting us off is the most effective product Cannabolish has on offer; their odor-removing sprays.

What makes these so effective is you can directly target the location of the odor. In other words, if you notice a cloud of cannabis smoke billowing in one area of your household, you can simply give a few sprays to that location to thoroughly rid it of odor.

Just as with all of Cannabolish’s products, these Sprays are made using a specially-crafted formula designed to target marijuana odors. Furthermore, this Spray comes in 2 scents: Lavender and Wintergreen.

You can purchase these Sprays by themselves in either 2 fl. oz. ($4.99) or 7 fl. oz. ($11.99). If you’re skeptical about Cannabolish or simply need a travel-sized odor-remover, we recommend going with the 2 fl. oz. However, you get more for your buck when you go with the 7 fl. oz.

Furthermore, each scent and size is offered in either a 3-pack or 6-pack bundle. These are great if you’re looking to get multiple products at a discount.

Cannabolish Lavender Odor Removing Candle

Cannabolish: Candles

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

  • Can be purchased in either Lavender, Wintergreen, or a 3-wick
  • Best for group smoking sessions
  • Offered in discounted bundles

If you’re looking for an odor-remover for group smoke sessions, a candle may be better suited for you. Besides setting a relaxing atmosphere, this candle helps to provide effective odor relief for an entire room.

Just like the Spray, this candle incorporates Cannabolish’s all-natural formula. It also comes in a Lavender or Wintergreen scent (at a 7 oz. size). However, for larger rooms, you also have the option of a 3-wick candle.

As will all Cannabolish products, you can purchase the candle of your choice in either a 3-pack or 6-pack bundle. These savings go even further when you incorporate our Cannabolish discount code at checkout!

Cannabolish Cannabis Odor Removing Wintergreen Gel

Cannabolish: Gels

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

  • Hands-free odor-removing experience
  • Comes in 2 sizes (7 oz. and 15 oz.)
  • Offered in discounted bundles

When it comes to the most simple Cannabolish experience, you can’t beat their selection of gels. These provide you with continuous odor-removing relief and make a nice little decor for your end or coffee table.

The best part of these gels is they provide a much more hands-free experience in comparison to the Sprays and Candles. The downside is we didn’t find them to be as effective as those other two products.

Still, that’s not to say this isn’t a product that wouldn’t suit you. These gels are a great option for those who simply want to create a more odor-free environment without the extra work of a Spray or Candle.

You can purchase these gels in either Lavender or Wintergreen in sizes of 7 oz. ($9.99) or 15 oz. ($15.99). These are also offered in a discounted 3-pack or 6-pack.

Cannabolish Wintergreen Camo Kit

Cannabolish: Kits

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

  • Best way to purchase multiple products at once
  • Lots of variety
  • Discounted to help you save (per product)

Looking to purchase multiple Cannabolish products at once? While their discounted bundles per product are great for savings, Cannabolish’s Kits allow you to save while also garnering a variety of products.

As of this time, Cannabolish is offering the following kits (in both Lavender and Wintergreen scents):

  • Toke & Travel Bundle – 1 Spray and 1 Candle ($19.98)
  • Camo Kit – 2 Sprays and 1 Gel ($32.97)
  • OG Kit – 2 Sprays and 1 Candle ($31.97)
  • Incognito Kit – 2 Sprays, 1 Candle, 1 Gel, and 1 Linen Bag ($50.95)

As you can see, there’s a little something here for everyone. Such kits also make great housewarming gifts for your cannabis-loving friends or family.

Cannabolish Pros

  • All products are carefully crafted using an all-natural formula designed to directly target marijuana odors
  • 3 unique products to ensure there’s something here for everyone
  • Lots of opportunities for discounted bundles (including their selection of Kits)
  • Also sells Cannabolish merch (linen bags perfect for carrying products and smoking accessories)
  • Your purchase comes with a 60-day warranty along with a 45-day money-back guarantee
  • Websites hosts lots of information on their products and how they may help you
  • Lots of positive Cannabolish reviews
  • Wholesale options for retailers

Cannabolish Cons

  • Free shipping only available on orders of $50.00 or more
  • Some reviews claim products don’t last as long as advertised

Final Words on Cannabolish

When it comes to eliminating cannabis odors, there’s really nothing on the market quite like Cannabolish. With a scientific formula designed to directly attack marijuana odors, you can ensure your house will be smelling fresher with just a few puffs of their spray, the light of their candle, or the placement of their gel.

This is another thing that allows Cannabolish to stand out – variety. With such a unique formula, the brand could’ve went with a one-and-done product. Instead, they took that formula and applied it to 3 unique products, knowing fully well how diverse the cannabis smoking experience can be.

We guarantee there’s something here for everyone. And if you’re not sure exactly which product is right for you, you can always opt for Cannabolish’s Kits to give each product a test.

Finally, these are all already marketed at an extremely affordable value. Yet, Cannabolish takes affordability one step further by offering a wide selection of discounted bundles and promo codes along with it.