The influence of cannabis on a couple’s success can only be measured anecdotally, but research is beginning to show a link between marijuana use and heightened levels of intimacyTo determine how cannabis can sway a relationship, we conducted a survey of nearly 1,000 people in a relationship where at least one is a marijuana user.

With the newly discovered benefits of CBD creating buzz around the product, many couples are finding a balance between their relationship and cannabis use. Keep reading to see how.

Cannabis and Couples

Relationships and Cannabis Use

Relationships and Cannabis Use

Across the board, men appeared to have more experience with cannabis: Men were nearly 18 percentage points more likely than women to have used marijuana before meeting their partner and began smoking more than two years earlier.

In fact, many women are introduced to marijuana by their significant others: 15% of women started using cannabis because their partner did.

However, according to our study, women and men appeared to smoke roughly the same amount, averaging 3.8 days and 3.6 days per week, respectively. Additionally, around two-thirds of women and men said they smoke the same amount as their partner, even though marijuana can affect people differently.

Cost of Cannabis

Cost of Cannabis

From the product itself to accessories, marijuana can be a costly experience: Respondents spent about $42 per week on cannabis. Among couples who spent more on marijuana than dining out, their marijuana expenditure was two times that of their weekly dining out cost, which, for many Americans, can be a large chunk of their total budget.

Most couples where both partners (48%) used marijuana split the cost evenly. In other instances, one partner paid for most or all of the expense, indicating that one partner might be more financially stable and can absorb that cost. And if one partner is a more frequent user, they may be more willing to handle the expense, as well.

Intimacy With Cannabis and CBD

Intimacy With Cannabis and CBD

When it comes to the physical effects, cannabis and CBD allow the body to relax in different ways. Over a quarter of our respondents used CBD when intimate, and nearly half used marijuana before sex.

And after they used marijuana, respondents waited 23 minutes before having sex with their partner, on average. Not only can this allow for ample foreplay, but it also allows cannabis to work its magic. Depending on the consumption method (e.g., smoking, vaping, edibles, tinctures), effects from cannabis can be felt within a few minutes to upward of an hour after ingestion and may last for three to four hours according to body chemistry and other external factors.

While the time it takes to kick in is similar, CBD has a unique effect on the body compared to THC products, as it operates without many of the typical “high” feelings that THC causes. Full-spectrum CBD products allow users to experience all the positive properties of the hemp plant for pain management.

Cannabis use also seemed to promote better and more regular sex among couples. With 44% of women and 56% of men proclaiming that sex is better when under the influence, it’s important to recognize the role that marijuana can play during intimacy.

Disagreements Involving Cannabis in Relationships

Cannabis can be a point of conversation or contention if one partner is taking the brunt of the financial cost or not listening or paying attention due to their use: Nearly 21% of women and 15% of men had argued with their partner because their partner was high. Additionally, nearly 4% of women and over 5% of men had fought with their partner because they were both high. Resolving these issues might not be simple, but turning CBD or cannabis consumption into a ritual can help couples maintain a similar schedule, keeping usage regulated for both partners.

Talking to your partner about their use is a strong tactic, especially when the issue reaches a breaking point: 21% of respondents had asked their partner to stop using marijuana, while nearly 15% of people had been asked to stop using cannabis by a partner. Recognizing when cannabis is causing issues in a relationship is crucial, and opening up lines of communication is a great place to start.

CBD in Relationships: A Strong First Step

There are key differences between THC and CBD regarding their role in treatment and recreational use. However, we found that couples who included cannabis in their relationship were more likely to experience better intimacy, an integral part of how a relationship develops and unfolds.

While there are many options to choose from, understanding your needs is critical to finding the best product for you. Turn to American Marijuana for expert advice, recommendations, detailed comparisons of full-spectrum CBD products, and more.


Using Amazon Mechanical Turk, we paid respondents to take a survey on their cannabis use habits. Respondents had to be in a relationship where at least one partner used marijuana.

We included a total of 343 respondents who said both they and their partner consumed marijuana, 334 who said just their partner used marijuana, and 301 people who said only they used marijuana.

Of all our respondents, 527 were female, and 448 were male. Three respondents did not identify as male or female. We did not gather the exact ages of our respondents, but 69 people identified as baby boomers, 267 were from Generation X, 615 were millennials, and 27 were from Generation Z.

For the average expenditure on marijuana, groceries, and dining out, outliers were removed. For each of these, we looked only at answers that fell within the 95th percentile of all responses. For the weekly grocery spend, the maximum value included in our average was $250; for marijuana, it was $120 a week; and for dining out, it was $200 weekly.

All of these data are self-reported, and with that, there are limitations to the accuracy of the data due to people’s tendencies to over- or underreport various habits.

To protect our data quality, we did include an attention check in our survey, where respondents were disqualified from our survey for not answering correctly.

The data in this project are not weighted, and any breakdowns, averages, or callouts are made up of at least 100 respondents.

Fair Use Statement

Share this information with cannabis users and nonusers alike. When disseminating this information during the next puff-puff-pass, though, cite us by name, and please be sure to share for noncommercial use only.