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Disadvantages of Smoking

When it comes to smoking, it’s all risk and no reward. Yes, the head rush and body buzz can be exhilarating, but we’re talking about the impact smoking weed has on your health. Smoking affects almost every part of your body, from your eyes to your digestion, circulation, and lungs.

Not to mention, the habit can really do a number on your wallet and potentially hurt those around you with second-hand smoke. And not to be a complete killjoy, but lighting up can lead to some more serious side effects like:

  • Respiratory issues
  • Depression and anxiety disorders
  • Increased risk of schizophrenia
  • Reduced cognitive abilities
  • Lung infections

For some, these effects are enough to give up smoking weed. For others, the lure of mental euphoria outweighs the health risks, especially if using cannabis to manage symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, or sleep disorders. But over time, the downsides to smoking weed start to outnumber the benefits.

Benefits of Quitting Weed

Aside from keeping more money in your pocket, whittling down your weed intake can deliver substantial benefits to your health and overall lifestyle. Some positive changes may happen right away, while others may take a weeks or months to kick in. Physical and mental benefits include:

  • Healthier respiratory functions
  • Improved focus
  • Increased energy and motivation
  • Better memory
  • More balanced mood

It’s not uncommon for sleep disorders to take a little extra time to resolve. After figuring out how to stop smoking weed, a large percentage of former cannabis users report sleep disturbance issues lasting a few weeks or months after quitting.

Non-Smoking Alternatives

Not everyone that Googles ‘how to quit smoking weed’ is looking to give up cannabis completely. For some people, marijuana is used for medical purposes to relieve symptoms of pain, seizures, glaucoma, arthritis, mood disorders, insomnia, and more. Thanks to the magical combination of legalization and the brilliant minds behind the budding cannabis industry, there are ways that you can still get your greens in without having to physically smoke it.


Edibles, like chocolates, gummies, and candies, can provide the benefits and effects that you get from smoking, but in a healthier way that doesn’t harm your lungs. When you eat an edible, it has to go through your digestive tract and liver before getting absorbed into the bloodstream. The effects may take a little longer to hit you, but when they do, they typically hit hard and last longer than smoking.


Vaping can also be a great option if you like to keep your hands busy but want to curb your weed usage. Vaporizers will heat your material of choice without combustion, converting cannabinoids into silky smooth vapor without the 100+ chemicals you get with smoking.


Using CBD oil is very simple. Pour the dose under your tongue and hold it for 30-60 seconds before swallowing. The go-to liquids tend to be tinctures and oils, but drinks and honey sticks are starting to pop up everywhere.


Topicals are applied directly to the skin to address pain or inflammation in your muscles and joints. These products don’t enter the bloodstream. There are tons of topicals to choose from, including lotions, bath salts, balms, salves, and lubes.

What Happens When You Stop Smoking Weed?

When you decide to stop smoking weed, it’s likely that you experience some withdrawal symptoms. Don’t panic—these side effects aren’t life threatening, but they can add a few speed bumps on the road to liberating your lungs.

Withdrawal symptoms will vary depending on how often and how long you have been smoking. Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep issues
  • Headaches

If your goal is to learn how to stop smoking weed fast, you will need to give yourself a little extra grace and time to experience and cope with these symptoms. Adding low intensity physical activity into your routine, like yoga, can help promote relaxation and combat the anxious feelings that come with taking control of your herbal habits. It’s also a good idea to avoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon to assist with any interference with your sleep. If you have been smoking weed for a long time, you can always consult your doctor to help create a personalized plan to navigate your way through how to stop smoking weed (forever or just for now).

Best Ways to Stop Smoking Weed

Quitting weed is not one size fits all approach. What works for someone else may not work for you. Some people only need one approach to be successful, while others may need to dabble in multiple tactics to quit. It’s your life and only you know what’s going to work best, so don’t be afraid to do what you gotta do!

Get Rid of Your Gear

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Maybe not so much. If a craving hits but your best bud is stashed in the back of your closet, chances are you’re going to cave. Purging all your materials and paraphernalia will make it harder to slip up.

Get Accountable

The more people you tell about your plans to quit smoking weed, the more people you will need to be accountable to. If you have a solid support system, it will be a lot easier to navigate through this transition.

Get an App

We do everything else on our phones, so why not use that to your advantage and incorporate it into your quitting toolbox? There are countless apps for those looking to get sober. These resources will also introduce you to other people experiencing the same struggles as you.

Seek Out Professional Help

There is strength in asking for help. If you have tried different techniques or are looking to enlist the help of a professional from the start, there are a variety of approaches that a therapist can assist you with.

Find a Distraction

Is there an activity or hobby you have been dying to try? This is the time to pick up the guitar collecting dust in the closet or start that blog you have been thinking about. Doing something you enjoy can take your mind off having a puff while you stock up on new skills.

Final Thoughts

You know what they say—old habits die hard. It’s important to be patient with yourself. It usually takes multiple attempts to quit a substance, so keep this in mind as you embark on your new smoke-free life.

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