In the 1930s, marihuana was the original spelling for the drug. Since the term “marijuana” was coined, it had been intertwined with race and ethnicity. The word “marijuana” was said to be from the Mexicans. Cannabis had a bad reputation in Mexico even before it had a bad reputation in the United States. According to Anslinger, he had found evidence that Mexicans were crossing the borders of the U.S. to buy cannabis and take it back to Mexico.
In 1910, the word “marijuana” did not exist in American culture. The more commonly use the word “cannabis” to refer to the drug. The Great Depression took place in the United States, and the government found something to blame. Massive unemployment and social unrest took place under the said Great Depression. Because of the influx of immigrants, the federal government began treating marijuana as a foreign substance brought by Mexicas just so they could blame someone for the Great Depression. The citizens of the U.S stoked great resentment to Mexicans because they were to blame for the uncontrolled emergence of the “evil weed.” This step of the U.S. federal government corrupted the minds of the Americans.
Because marijuana was coined by the U.S. as the evil weed, a lot of people feared it despite its numerous health benefits. Cannabis oil, for instance, may help with anxiety and reduce the effects of depression. Up to these days, marijuana is illegal in the United States, so not all people are aware of its benefits.
What most people do not know is that cannabidiol, a substance from marijuana, does not cause a euphoric effect when taken. Rather, it serves as a good medical alternative because of its long list of positive effects to one’s health. There are a lot more CBD facts that most people are unaware regarding the marijuana intake, so they fear it. A lot of research nowadays serve as a good guide in educating one’s self with regards to marijuana and it life-changing medical effects.
There are lots of mysteries regarding the connection of marijuana to the Mexicans and the United States. Some research says that the U.S. Government demonized marijuana so that they could blame the Mexicans for the Great Depression, the economic downfall of the industrialized world. But whatever the truth is, it is essential to know that cannabis use is legalized as long as the usage is regulated.
If you want to know more about the history of marijuana up to its infamous infusion to different products these days, you can read some articles online about the history of cannabis.
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