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Should You Vacuum Seal Weed?

The short answer –  if you have large quantities of marijuana that you won’t be consuming immediately, it’s in your best interest to vacuum seal your weed.

By vacuum sealing, you’re ensuring your cannabis will remain fresh and potent. This means the bud’s terpenes won’t dry out, the trichomes will remain intact, and it won’t burn as hot. On top of that, vacuum sealing reduces the chance of humidity hitting your buds which can cause molding.

If you do vacuum seal, it’s important to store your marijuana in a cool, dry place. Preferably, in an area below 75°F.

In many regards, the process of vacuum sealing is considered the best way to keep marijuana fresh. In fact, it’s been argued that the longer you store it under such circumstances, the fresher it becomes. While it depends on the strain you’re storing, most can be kept in a vacuum seal for about a year.

Which is Better for Vacuum Seal - Bags or Jars?

If you do decide to vacuum seal, you have two primary options to consider: bags vs jars. There are pros and cons to each, but both will get the job done in their own way.

Let’s start with plastic bags. This is undoubtedly the cheaper option of the two – you can get a pack of Ziploc bags at your local grocery store for less than $5.00. On top of this, plastic bags are very easy to store, making them ideal if you don’t have a whole lot of space.

Still, there are some negatives to using this vacuum seal. The first is that nugs tend to get compressed in this storage, often breaking up into little pieces. This isn’t a huge deal as it doesn’t diminish the potency. However, if you’re looking to show off your cannabis, it may be an issue.

The second is that plastic bags aren’t a good option if you’re looking to freeze your cannabis. Some people do this as a means of stretching the longevity of a product even further. There is an argument as to whether or not this even works. Still, there’s no argument that freezing marijuana in a plastic bag will effectively cause trichomes to break off.

Your other option for vacuum-sealing weed is jars. These are generally the preferred method as your buds are less likely to break down and you won’t lose trichomes when freezing. On top of this, they’re better for the environment.

However, jars are admittedly more expensive than plastic bags. Furthermore, they’re not as easy to store, making them a problem if you don’t have a whole lot of space.

Which is Better for Vacuum Seal - Bags or Jars?

How to Fluff Vacuum Sealed Marijuana

Some people prefer it when their marijuana has a “fluff” to it after being contained for so long. Admittedly, this isn’t too big an issue considering it all gets grinded up and smoked at the end of the day.

However, if this is something you prefer, avoid plastic bags. The compression of your nugs will inevitably prevent a fluff. As such, you’ll need to vacuum seal in a jar container.

Beyond placing your cannabis in a jar, you’ll also want to store it with a humidity pack. When the leaves rehydrate, they’ll come back with a natural puff that’s sure to impress your friends.

Be Sure to Separate Your Stored Weed

Whether or not you go with a plastic bag or jar, you’ll want to ensure your marijuana is separated. If you store an ounce of weed in a single container, you’ll inevitably lose terpenes and cannabinoids every time you open it. This is due to the fact that each opening of the container causes air to enter.

If you’re looking to keep all your marijuana as fresh as possible, it’s best to have a number of small vacuum seals and to separate your stash. This also helps if you’re trying to ration your marijuana, as it will be easier to portion out.

Vacuum Sealing Weed FAQs