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THC's Potential Health Benefits

There’s a reason marijuana is being legalized and tolerated by more than 26 countries in the world. Recent research has found the effects of cannabis hold the potential to alleviate a variety of medical conditions. These include:

On top of this, cannabis may help with the following:

Alzheimer's disease

By directly affecting cognitive and behavioral states, THC may be an effective treatment measure for Alzheimer’s Disease. More specifically, some research claims cannabis may reduce behavioral disturbances while also improving appetite loss. On top of this, THC has sedative effects that can calm patients and make them feel more positive.

Brain Injury

Several studies have found that THC has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. With that, some scientists have discovered its positive effects on seriously ill patients struggling with traumatic brain injury.

Sleep Apnea

Struggle with insomnia? THC’s sedative qualities have helped transform the lives of thousands struggling with sleep disorders. However, the reason for this isn’t directly correlated.

THC actually decreases the amount of REM sleep you get. Naturally, this makes it appear as a negative for those with a sleep disorder. However, cannabis can help to alleviate other elements of life that prevent sleep, such as anxiety and stress. As a result, many have reported positive effects from smoking a little before bedtime.

On top of this, it can also be beneficial to people struggling with sleep apnea as it improves breathing quality.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your System?

The effects of THC vary depending on a few factors including the amount of THC and the type of strain. However, the most notable factor is the type of consumption method you incorporate. In short, smoking cannabis will have instant and short-lasting effects. Whereas eating a marijuana edible with have long-lasting effects with a slower come-up.

We invite you to follow along as we take a deeper look into each consumption method and how its effects will hit you:


Smoking is the most traditional THC consumption method. As mentioned, its effects on your brain and body will be recognizable almost immediately. This is thanks to the fact that when marijuana is inhaled, THC will travel directly to the lungs and into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, THC can efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier.

With all this said, you can expect effects to kick in within five minutes of consuming marijuana. From there, they will last about 45 minutes, with lingering effects lasting a few hours more. Keep in mind that you’ll receive similar results from vaping THC.


Cannabis edibles are one of the most popular ways to consume THC. These provide you with a longer-lasting psychoactivity that’s also more intense. Some of the most popular forms of marijuana edibles include brownies, cookies, cakes, and gummies. Moreover, THC can also be added to beverages, such as teas, alcoholic drinks, or other fruit juices.

If you cannot tolerate smoke and vapors, you may prefer this delicious option instead. Just remember, the effect of these edibles is different than inhalation.

When THC is processed through the digestive system, the effects will take about an hour to kick in. However, once they’re rolling, THC’s psychotropic effects last anywhere from six to eight hours. On top of this, the effects are often stronger than those you receive from inhalation.


While not as popular as the previous two methods, some prefer to get their THC through a topical. If you struggle with chronic pain, this can be a great way to directly target a cannabinoid’s medicinal properties.

When applied topically, the effects of THC take longer to appreciate as they need to penetrate the skin. Admittedly, THC isn’t too good at this. Therefore, you’ll likely only receive a portion of its psychotropic effects.

We only recommend topicals for those looking to incorporate THC into their lives for a medical reason. When it comes to recreational use, THC topicals are rather underwhelming.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your System?

THC Side Effects

While there are plenty of positive effects of THC, it can also cause some adverse effects. The most common side effects people reported include:

Mental Issues

To affect the whole body system of the users, THC must first travel to the brain. When it does, the quick distribution can cause some users to feel uneasy, sometimes leading to the side effects of anxiety and panic. With this, the user may experience a fast heart rate, agitation, and paranoia. There are even some instances where they can have delusions and hallucinations.

Lung Problems

Respiratory issues are common in individuals who prefer smoking marijuana, including a cough, phlegm, and, in more severe cases, bronchitis. It can also affect the immune system of the lungs, increasing the risk of infection.

There are 50-70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons in marijuana than what you can find in tobacco. This harmful chemical causes numerous lung diseases. However, as of now, there are still no definitive links proving that marijuana use can cause lung cancer or other negative long-term effects

Heart Risks

Marijuana also exclaims further notice when it comes to heart risks. In regards to inhaling marijuana, the bloodstream carries these compounds and circulates them throughout the cardiovascular system. The quick distribution process of THC is the reason why, aside from the brain, the heart can also be severely damaged.

Upon consuming the chemical, your heart rate increases by 20 to 100% and remains elevated for hours. Moreover, consumers who are already suffering from high blood pressure may experience arrhythmia and other cardiac diseases.

Cognitive Impairments

It’s well-known that marijuana can affect your cognitive ability. Most often, this can cause impairments in the following areas:

  • Attention
  • Decision-making
  • Memory
  • Social behavior

According to research, the effects of THC are dependent on the dosage and duration. Following this, massive exposure to this may contribute to poor relationship choices and lower expectations. Moreover, misuse of marijuana is why most of long-time users tend to be anti-social or are associated with toxic relationships.

Addiction and Withdrawal

Contrary to popular belief, THC can be addictive. Just like addictions to other substances, the more you use, the more your body builds a tolerance and immunity to marijuana’s effects. When this happens, you’ll crave a higher dosage with more prolonged effects.

Upon quitting marijuana, your body is bound to enter withdrawal. This may produce the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Cravings
  • Decreased appetite
  • Irritability
  • Sleeplessness

If you have a desire to quit marijuana, but not sure how to, we recommend reaching out to a detox facility.


THC and CBD are both compounds found in the marijuana plant. However, there’s one major difference between them: THC is psychoactive and CBD is not.

With this in mind, some users prefer CBD’s lack of mind-altering effects. As such, many manufacturers have produced only CBD products. These products are usually made from the hemp plant – a type of cannabis sativa plant that contains less than 0.3% THC. In turn, you can garner the benefits of CBD while avoiding the euphoric effects of marijuana.

While more research is necessary, some studies have found that CBD oil may be beneficial in treating:

  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Insomnia
  • PTSD

While marijuana contains CBD, it contains high THC concentrations. These levels vary depending on the strain and type of strain (whether it’s Indica or Sativa). However, on average, a marijuana bud is likely to have around 20% THC and 1% CBD.

Final Word - Consume Responsibly

Keep in mind that no THC product has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). As such, it’s important to be aware of what you’re consuming and how to properly consume it.

Don’t smoke THC if you have a major responsibility approaching, such as a job interview or a class exam. On top of this, be aware of the type of product you’re taking, its levels of THC, and whether or not cannabis is even right for you.

If you’re taking cannabis for emergency medical (or mental health), we recommend consulting a doctor ahead of time. If you have a drug test soon, keep in mind that THC products (such as hash oil) will cause you to fail.