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Can CBD Help with IBS?

IBS, as its sufferers are very well aware, is a gastrointestinal condition that can cause discomfort ranging from mild to severe. While some individuals who have been diagnosed with IBS may experience sporadic stomach pains, those with severe IBS cases may experience severe cramps that interfere with their quality of life on a massive scale.

Scientific studies have presented promising research that suggests CBD can have benefits for those with IBS. In fact, one particular study out of Italy shows evidence that the cannabinoids in cannabis plants can have a therapeutic effect on human sensations of pain, with CBD being particularly effective.

Another study produced by the peer-reviewed scientific journal Molecules mimicked these findings, stating that cannabinoids in general can successfully treat painful conditions and inflammation. More experience of these findings can be found within two other scientific journals, namely Antioxidants and the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

However, despite these findings, it is important to note that the FDA has not formally approved the use of CBD for inflammatory conditions, stating “limited data”. As of the time of this article’s publishing, there is only one CBD product that has been officially endorsed by the FDA (a product called Epidiolex that is primarily used to treat seizures). Many experts believe that full spectrum CBD oil is most effective.

This stack of scientific findings and endorsements may seem like a mixed bag, but these kinds of results are common when a treatment is still relatively new. Many individuals feel comfortable to use CBD to treat chronic pain from the mixture of anecdotal and scientific evidence, as well as the fact that CBD is recognized by WHO as having minimal adverse effects on the majority of people (in other words, “it’s worth a try”).

How Does CBD Help With IBS?

When you ingest CBD — whether it be through a capsule, edible, oil, or more — it interacts with what is known as your body’s endocannabinoid system, or ECS. The ECS can be found all over the body, and acts as kind of a “control system” for your body’s overall well-being. When CBD interacts with the ECS, it sends the body anti-pain and anti-inflammatory messages, which helps you feel relief. This 2006 study from Current Neuropharmacology explains more about how cannabinoid receptors play an important part of our body’s pain response.

Top 5 CBD products for IBS

Spruce CBD Max Potency CBD Oil Tincture
Spruce CBD: Max Potency CBD Oil Tincture
Use coupon code AMMA for 10% off your purchase.
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Joy Organics Premium Organic CBD Oil Tinctures
Joy Organics: Premium Organic CBD Oil Tinctures
Use coupon code AMMA for 25% off your purchase.
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Pure Spectrum CBD Cannabidiol Oil
Pure Spectrum: CBD Cannabidiol Oil
Use coupon code AMMA for 10% off your purchase.
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Five CBD Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Five CBD: Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Use coupon code AMMA for 25% off your purchase.
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Charlotte’s Web Original Formula CBD
Charlotte’s Web: Original Formula CBD
Use coupon code AMMA for 15% off your purchase.
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Spruce CBD Max Potency CBD Oil Tincture

Spruce CBD: Max Potency CBD Oil Tincture

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 100%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • High quality products with a focus on quality over quantity
  • One of the strongest CBD concentrations on the market
  • All products free of pesticides and toxins
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Use coupon code AMMA for 10% off your purchase.

Spruce CBD is a favorite among us here at America Marijuana, mostly thanks to the fact that it is a family-owned business with a very strong commitment to quality. Spruce CBD is known for offering a smaller collection of CBD oils than other brands, but this is for all intents and purposes a good sign as it simply means that the company spends most of their time on quality control.

The company offers its customers two different varieties of CBD oil: moderate strength and full strength. In the full strength bottle, there is a whopping 2400mg of CBD within only 30 ml — a great value for anyone who requires a high dosage of CBD oil to treat their IBS! This is a godsend for anyone who finds that the average bottle of CBD oil is not strong enough for them.

Spruce CBD

Spruce CBD: 10% OFF 2,400mg Lab Grade CBD Oil


Joy Organics Premium Organic CBD Oil Tinctures

Joy Organics: Premium Organic CBD Oil Tinctures

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 95%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • USDA certified organic products
  • Wide variety of oil flavors
  • All products free of pesticides and toxins
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Joy Organics, a CBD company out of Colorado, offers a wide variety of CBD products from softgels to topicals to tinctures. They also offer an impressive range of flavored and unflavored oils that can either be full spectrum or broad spectrum.

Like Spruce CBD, Joy Organics is also a family-owned business formed by a husband and wife duo. The company was founded with the mission of creating products that customers could trust were free of pesticides and toxins, and it’s a philosophy that they continue to honor to this day. The CBD industry can be rather unregulated, so finding a company with stringent processes is always a plus!

Joy Organics

Joy Organics: 25% OFF All Products


Pure Spectrum CBD Cannabidiol Oil

Pure Spectrum: CBD Cannabidiol Oil

Quality 100%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 95%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Wide product range
  • Products are tested by a third-party lab
  • Transparent, sustainable farming practices
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Use coupon code AMMA for 10% off your purchase.

Pure Spectrum CBD started out as a family farm that was committed to sustainable practices. In fact, the brand’s founder, Brady Bell, credits his upbringing on a Kansas farm for his ability to understand how to run a successful and lucrative farm today.

We also admire the way that Pure Spectrum CBD is incredibly transparent with their third-party lab testing. In fact, customers of Pure Spectrum CBD can easily locate these tests on their website for easy reference. However, while the company does offer a high range of product types, there is still somewhat limited variety in terms of flavors.

Use one of our exclusive Pure Spectrum CBD coupons for the best price.

If you prefer a full spectrum product, read our guide to the best full spectrum CBD oils.

Pure Spectrum

Pure Spectrum: 10% OFF Cannabidiol Oil 1250mg


Five CBD Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Five CBD: Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Quality 95%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 95%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 100%

  • Great price per milligram on larger dosage bottle
  • Full spectrum, including elevated levels of THC
  • Tasty natural flavors
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Use coupon code AMMA for 25% off your purchase.

This full spectrum oil from Five CBD contains a wide range of cannabinoids, including CBD, THC, CBC and CBN. Its elevated levels of THC may help provide relief of pain and inflammation related to IBS. THC is well-known as an analgesic, so increased THC levels may help soothe these conditions.

While the THC level is higher than many other full spectrum CBD oils, it’s still well within the legal limit. It’s also low enough that it is not likely to produce a high of any kind – just enough to help the entourage effect kick in.


FIVE CBD: 25% OFF All Products


Charlotte’s Web Original Formula CBD

Charlotte’s Web: Original Formula CBD

Quality 95%

Effectiveness 100%

Price 90%

Customer Service 100%

Transparency & Accuracy 90%

  • One of the oldest and most well-known CBD brands
  • Fair rewards program and discount offerings
  • Wide flavor and product range available
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Use coupon code AMMA for 15% off your purchase.

Charlotte’s Web has existed since 2011, which makes them pretty much a veteran in the young world of CBD companies. Thanks to this history, the company has gone through a great deal of growth and been able to make changes and improvements to their products over the years, and they have even had an effect on changing the cannabis industry itself by advocating for better laws surrounding plant-based health treatments.

The company’s Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil, which comes in a potency of 17 mg of full spectrum CBD per ml, is advertised as a wonderful option for beginners who want to test the CBD waters. Its simple concoction contains only three ingredients of coconut oil, flavoring, and CBD.

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web: 15% OFF All Products


What is the Correct CBD Dosage for IBS?

Central to the efficacy of CBD for pain or inflammation relief is the dosage that you use. Unlike a standard pain relieving or anti-inflammatory medication, where the dosage is clearly spelled out on the back label, using CBD can be much more tricky.

Truthfully, it is hard to prescribe a “one size fits all” for CBD dosing. General CBD dosing guidelines state that it is best to start small (i.e. 5mg) and make note of how it affects your body. If you do not find it is sufficient, then you can begin to gradually up the dosage.

If you are using an edible gummy, measuring 5mg will be easy. However, if you are using CBD oil for IBS, it can be a bit more complicated to measure out 5mg. You can use this as a guideline: most CBD oil bottles will come with a dropper that can hold 1 ml of liquid. If your CBD bottle contains 500 mg of CBD, for example, then you can estimate that there are 0.05 mg of CBD per drop. This number, of course, will vary depending on the amount of CBD that is in your particular bottle, but you can base your dosage off of this mathematical formula.

There are other factors that will affect what is the correct CBD dosage for you, such as your age, weight, and even your body chemistry, which can be a rather abstract thing to measure. This means that discovering the correct dosage for you really comes down to a matter of trial and error.

Final thoughts

If you are suffering from a chronic health issue, it can feel quite lonely and hopeless. Unfortunately, IBS is a particularly difficult illness to treat (as all sufferers know). The good news is that there may be solace waiting for you in the form of CBD oil — which product will you try first?