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Origins of Mimosa

Created by Symbiotic Genetics, the Mimosa cannabis strain is a hybrid cross between Clementine and Purple Punch. This blend is unique because:

  • The clementine strain is a Sativa-dominant strain, offering sweet and citrusy flavors.
  • Purple Punch is an Indica-dominant strain with fruity and grape-like flavors.

This cross leaves Mimosa as a Sativa-dominant hybrid (with 70% Sativa and 30% Indica). Mimosa has also recently garnered popularity, winning several awards, including 2nd place in the 2019 Karma Cup for “Best Sativa.”

Mimosa Strain Effects

Mimosa comes with a high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) count. While it depends on the cultivator, you can expect 19% to 27% THC. On the flip side, Mimosa is low in cannabidiol (CBD), with less than 1%.

In small doses, we found Mimosa to provide uplifting and happy effects. In social and creative situations, this was ideal as it left us feeling motivated and clear-headed. Not to mention, it provided a focused “high” that was great for working through more mundane responsibilities.

However, in large doses, Mimosa surprised us with calming and sleepy effects. In our experience, it seemed the Indica properties of this strain shine when enough is consumed. This made Mimosa an ideal candidate for evening activities followed by a good night’s sleep.

For Recreational Use

When it comes to recreational use, we found Mimosa’s energizing and uplifting properties a perfect fit for social situations and daytime activities. It left us feeling more talkative and ready to engage in creativity.

However, it’s important to remember, we felt most energized when taking Mimosa in small doses. Therefore, if you’re looking for Sativa qualities of the strain, we highly recommend starting small before consuming more.

For Medicinal Use

Since Mimosa can create uplifting and mood-boosting effects in small doses, this may help ease symptoms of a few conditions, including:

If you struggle with fatigue or a lack of motivation when it comes to daily responsibilities, this newfound energy may just be what you’re looking for.

However, as discussed, Mimosa’s Indica properties come out in large doses. As such, it may relieve symptoms for a few conditions:

Naturally, more research is necessary Mimosa’s medical properties can be confirmed.

How to Grow Mimosa

If you’re just learning how to grow marijuana, Mimosa is a great starter strain. It yields quickly (with flowering around nine weeks after planting) and produces a beautiful array of buds and leaves.

For Indoor Grows

You’ll want to ensure plenty of lights and space. As with other Sativa strains, these plants get tall and may become difficult to manage. The more space the plant has, the more likely it will grow into a bushier form.

Other things to keep in mind when growing Mimosa indoors include:

  • The strain likes slightly acidic soil, with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.5.
  • During the vegetative stage, the plant requires a high amount of nitrogen.
  • During the flowering stage, the plant requires more phosphorus and potassium.
  • The ideal growing temperature is between 69-84°F (21-29°C) during the day and around 54°F (12°C) at night.
  • During the vegetative stage, humidity level should be between 50-70% and during the flowering stage, it should be between 40-50%.

For Outdoor Grows

Mimosa grows best in warm, dry climates with lots of direct sunlight. Similar to indoor grows, these plants will require a lot of space. On top of that, it’s recommended you plant in the spring or early summer while the soil is warm. If you plant earlier or later, you run the risk of frost destroying your grow.

Other things to keep in mind when growing Mimosa outdoors include:

  • The strain is susceptible to pests and diseases. You’ll need to implement pest control methods (we recommend a natural insecticide, such as neem oil).
  • Plant materials (i.e. fallen leaves) can attract pests. So, it’s in your interest to remove these regularly.
  • Since Mimosa’s plant structure is tall, you’ll want to provide adequate support using stakes or cages.

Flavor and Aroma of Mimosa

With Clementine’s genetics, Mimosa creates an immediate sweet and citrusy aroma. However, this strain also has earthy undertones. As such, the flavor is sweet and smooth, with most users enjoying the taste.

What allows Mimosa to stand out in this department is its terpene profile. These include:

  • Myrcene – A common terpene that creates a musky and earthy aroma. It’s best known for its soothing and relaxing effects.
  • Pinene – Known for its piney scent, this terpene is often used in fragrances and cleaning products.
  • Caryophyllene – A common food additive that provides a spicy and woody scent.

Final Verdict on Mimosa

Mimosa has grown in popularity for good reason. It’s a tasty strain that can provide energetic effects in small doses and relaxing effects in large ones. It has a versatile selection of uses (depending on the dosage) and can be easily grown by anyone.

If you plan on taking Mimosa for medical purposes, we highly recommend consulting your doctor before coming to any conclusions. Cannabis is still not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medicinal use and Mimosa may leave you with some side effects, including a dry mouth and red eyes.

Mimosa FAQs